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# sveltekit-prisma-tailwind
Everything you need to build an awesome full stack application.
It includes:
- The [TypeScript]( programming language
- The [SvelteKit]( app framework
- The [Prisma]( database ORM
- The [Tailwind]( CSS framework
- [Zod]( schema validation
- [Vitest]( for unit testing
- [Playwright]( for browser testing
- [ESLint]( for code linting
- [Prettier]( for code formatting
This repository is also preconfigured for continuous integration and continuous deployment. Tests will automatically run on push, and the demo branch will automatically deploy to a staging environment.
## Developing
Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with `npm install` (or `pnpm install` or `yarn`), start a development server:
npm run dev
# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open
### Working with SvelteKit
- [Svelte docs](
- [SvelteKit docs](
SvelteKit is a combination of the [Svelte]( component framework and [Vite](, similar to React's Next or Vue's Nuxt. This repository is preconfigured to use SvelteKit's [node adapter](, which will create a production node server on build.
### Working with Prisma
- [Prisma docs](
Prisma is a Node.js and TypeScript ORM that includes both a [schema]( for declaring your database tables, and a query builder called the [client]( that's tailored to your schema.
Prisma includes a [variety]( of database connectors. If your database is supported, initialize prisma:
npx prisma init --datasource-provider [sqlite, postgresql, mysql, sqlserver, mongodb, cockroachdb]
Next, edit `prisma/schema.prisma` according to your [data model](, and edit the DATABASE_URL in `.env` according to your database [connection URL](
Finally, create your database, tables, migration file, and client:
npx prisma migrate dev --name init
npx prisma generate
You're now ready to send queries to the database! Refer to the Prisma Client documentation for [CRUD operations](, [relation queries](, [filtering and sorting](, etc.
If you make any changes to the schema, prototype them with:
npx prisma db push
npx prisma generate
When ready, migrate the changes like you would commit them with git, and regenerate the prisma client:
npx prisma migrate dev --name (commit message)
npx prisma generate
### Working with Tailwind
- [Tailwind docs](
Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework, similar to bootstrap, that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup.
To speed up your development process, you might want to use a component library. Some popular options are:
- [Flowbite-Svelte](
- [Skeleton](
- [daisyUI](
- [Carbon Components](
Other useful UI libraries include:
- [HeroIcons]( SVG icons
- [Hero Patterns]( SVG background patterns
- [Chart.js]( charting library
## Testing
### Browser Tests
Add browser tests to `tests/test.ts`, and run them with:
npm run test
### Unit Tests
Add unit tests to `src/index.test.ts`, and run them with:
npm run test:unit
## Building
To create a production version of your app:
npm run build
You can preview the production build with `npm run preview`.