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import type ESTree from "estree";
import type { BaseNode } from "./base";
import type { Token, Comment } from "./common";
export type SvelteHTMLNode = SvelteProgram | SvelteScriptElement | SvelteStyleElement | SvelteElement | SvelteStartTag | SvelteEndTag | SvelteName | SvelteMemberExpressionName | SvelteText | SvelteLiteral | SvelteMustacheTag | SvelteDebugTag | SvelteConstTag | SvelteIfBlock | SvelteElseBlock | SvelteEachBlock | SvelteAwaitBlock | SvelteAwaitPendingBlock | SvelteAwaitThenBlock | SvelteAwaitCatchBlock | SvelteKeyBlock | SvelteAttribute | SvelteShorthandAttribute | SvelteSpreadAttribute | SvelteDirective | SvelteStyleDirective | SvelteSpecialDirective | SvelteDirectiveKey | SvelteSpecialDirectiveKey | SvelteHTMLComment;
/** Node of Svelte program root */
export interface SvelteProgram extends BaseNode {
type: "Program";
body: (SvelteScriptElement | SvelteStyleElement | Child)[];
sourceType: "script" | "module";
comments: Comment[];
tokens: Token[];
parent: null;
/** Node of elements like HTML element. */
export type SvelteElement = SvelteHTMLElement | SvelteComponentElement | SvelteSpecialElement;
type BaseSvelteElement = BaseNode;
/** Node of `<script>` element. */
export interface SvelteScriptElement extends BaseSvelteElement {
type: "SvelteScriptElement";
name: SvelteName;
startTag: SvelteStartTag;
body: ESTree.Program["body"];
endTag: SvelteEndTag | null;
parent: SvelteProgram;
/** Node of `<style>` element. */
export interface SvelteStyleElement extends BaseSvelteElement {
type: "SvelteStyleElement";
name: SvelteName;
startTag: SvelteStartTag;
children: [SvelteText];
endTag: SvelteEndTag | null;
parent: SvelteProgram;
/** Node of HTML element. */
export interface SvelteHTMLElement extends BaseSvelteElement {
type: "SvelteElement";
kind: "html";
name: SvelteName;
startTag: SvelteStartTag;
children: Child[];
endTag: SvelteEndTag | null;
parent: SvelteProgram | SvelteElement | SvelteIfBlock | SvelteElseBlockAlone | SvelteEachBlock | SvelteAwaitPendingBlock | SvelteAwaitThenBlock | SvelteAwaitCatchBlock | SvelteKeyBlock;
/** Node of Svelte component element. */
export interface SvelteComponentElement extends BaseSvelteElement {
type: "SvelteElement";
kind: "component";
name: ESTree.Identifier | SvelteMemberExpressionName;
startTag: SvelteStartTag;
children: Child[];
endTag: SvelteEndTag | null;
parent: SvelteProgram | SvelteElement | SvelteIfBlock | SvelteElseBlockAlone | SvelteEachBlock | SvelteAwaitPendingBlock | SvelteAwaitThenBlock | SvelteAwaitCatchBlock | SvelteKeyBlock;
/** Node of Svelte special component element. e.g. `<svelte:window>` */
export interface SvelteSpecialElement extends BaseSvelteElement {
type: "SvelteElement";
kind: "special";
name: SvelteName;
startTag: SvelteStartTag;
children: Child[];
endTag: SvelteEndTag | null;
parent: SvelteProgram | SvelteElement | SvelteIfBlock | SvelteElseBlockAlone | SvelteEachBlock | SvelteAwaitPendingBlock | SvelteAwaitThenBlock | SvelteAwaitCatchBlock | SvelteKeyBlock;
/** Node of start tag. */
export interface SvelteStartTag extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteStartTag";
attributes: (SvelteAttribute | SvelteShorthandAttribute | SvelteSpreadAttribute | SvelteDirective | SvelteStyleDirective | SvelteSpecialDirective)[];
selfClosing: boolean;
parent: SvelteElement | SvelteScriptElement | SvelteStyleElement;
/** Node of end tag. */
export interface SvelteEndTag extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteEndTag";
parent: SvelteElement | SvelteScriptElement | SvelteStyleElement;
/** Node of names. It is used for element names other than components and normal attribute names. */
export interface SvelteName extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteName";
name: string;
parent: SvelteElement | SvelteScriptElement | SvelteStyleElement | SvelteAttribute | SvelteMemberExpressionName | SvelteDirectiveKey;
/** Nodes that may be used in component names. The component names separated by dots. */
export interface SvelteMemberExpressionName extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteMemberExpressionName";
object: SvelteMemberExpressionName | ESTree.Identifier;
property: SvelteName;
parent: SvelteComponentElement;
type Child = SvelteElement | SvelteText | SvelteMustacheTag | SvelteDebugTag | SvelteConstTag | SvelteIfBlockAlone | SvelteEachBlock | SvelteAwaitBlock | SvelteKeyBlock | SvelteHTMLComment;
/** Node of text. like HTML text. */
export interface SvelteText extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteText";
value: string;
parent: SvelteProgram | SvelteElement | SvelteStyleElement | SvelteIfBlock | SvelteElseBlockAlone | SvelteEachBlock | SvelteAwaitPendingBlock | SvelteAwaitThenBlock | SvelteAwaitCatchBlock | SvelteKeyBlock;
/** Node of literal. */
export interface SvelteLiteral extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteLiteral";
value: string;
parent: SvelteAttribute | SvelteStyleDirective;
/** Node of mustache tag. e.g. `{...}`, `{@html ...}`. Like JSXExpressionContainer */
export type SvelteMustacheTag = SvelteMustacheTagText | SvelteMustacheTagRaw;
interface BaseSvelteMustacheTag extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteMustacheTag";
kind: "text" | "raw";
expression: ESTree.Expression;
parent: SvelteProgram | SvelteElement | SvelteIfBlock | SvelteElseBlockAlone | SvelteEachBlock | SvelteAwaitPendingBlock | SvelteAwaitThenBlock | SvelteAwaitCatchBlock | SvelteKeyBlock | SvelteAttribute | SvelteStyleDirective;
/** Node of mustache tag. e.g. `{...}``. Like JSXExpressionContainer */
export interface SvelteMustacheTagText extends BaseSvelteMustacheTag {
kind: "text";
/** Node of mustache tag. e.g. `{@html ...}`. Like JSXExpressionContainer */
export interface SvelteMustacheTagRaw extends BaseSvelteMustacheTag {
kind: "raw";
/** Node of debug mustache tag. e.g. `{@debug}` */
export interface SvelteDebugTag extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteDebugTag";
identifiers: ESTree.Identifier[];
parent: SvelteProgram | SvelteElement | SvelteIfBlock | SvelteElseBlockAlone | SvelteEachBlock | SvelteAwaitPendingBlock | SvelteAwaitThenBlock | SvelteAwaitCatchBlock | SvelteKeyBlock | SvelteAttribute;
/** Node of const tag. e.g. `{@const}` */
export interface SvelteConstTag extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteConstTag";
declaration: ESTree.VariableDeclarator;
parent: SvelteProgram | SvelteElement | SvelteIfBlock | SvelteElseBlockAlone | SvelteEachBlock | SvelteAwaitPendingBlock | SvelteAwaitThenBlock | SvelteAwaitCatchBlock | SvelteKeyBlock | SvelteAttribute;
/** Node of if block. e.g. `{#if}` */
export type SvelteIfBlock = SvelteIfBlockAlone | SvelteIfBlockElseIf;
interface BaseSvelteIfBlock extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteIfBlock";
elseif: boolean;
expression: ESTree.Expression;
children: Child[];
else: SvelteElseBlock | null;
parent: SvelteProgram | SvelteElement | SvelteIfBlock | SvelteElseBlock | SvelteEachBlock | SvelteAwaitPendingBlock | SvelteAwaitThenBlock | SvelteAwaitCatchBlock | SvelteKeyBlock;
/** Node of if block. e.g. `{#if}` */
export interface SvelteIfBlockAlone extends BaseSvelteIfBlock {
elseif: false;
parent: Exclude<BaseSvelteIfBlock["parent"], SvelteElseBlockElseIf>;
/** Node of if block. e.g. `{:else if}` */
export interface SvelteIfBlockElseIf extends BaseSvelteIfBlock {
elseif: true;
parent: SvelteElseBlockElseIf;
/** Node of else block. e.g. `{:else}` */
export type SvelteElseBlock = SvelteElseBlockAlone | SvelteElseBlockElseIf;
interface BaseSvelteElseBlock extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteElseBlock";
elseif: boolean;
children: (Child | SvelteIfBlockElseIf)[];
parent: SvelteIfBlock | SvelteEachBlock;
/** Node of else block. e.g. `{:else}` */
export interface SvelteElseBlockAlone extends BaseSvelteElseBlock {
elseif: false;
children: Child[];
/** Node of else block. e.g. `{:else if ...}` */
export interface SvelteElseBlockElseIf extends BaseSvelteElseBlock {
elseif: true;
children: [SvelteIfBlockElseIf];
/** Node of each block. e.g. `{#each}` */
export interface SvelteEachBlock extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteEachBlock";
expression: ESTree.Expression;
context: ESTree.Pattern;
index: ESTree.Identifier | null;
key: ESTree.Expression | null;
children: Child[];
else: SvelteElseBlockAlone | null;
parent: SvelteProgram | SvelteElement | SvelteIfBlock | SvelteElseBlockAlone | SvelteEachBlock | SvelteAwaitPendingBlock | SvelteAwaitThenBlock | SvelteAwaitCatchBlock | SvelteKeyBlock;
/** Node of await block. e.g. `{#await}`, `{#await ... then ... }`, `{#await ... catch ... }` */
export type SvelteAwaitBlock = SvelteAwaitBlockAwaitPending | SvelteAwaitBlockAwaitThen | SvelteAwaitBlockAwaitCatch;
interface BaseSvelteAwaitBlock extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteAwaitBlock";
expression: ESTree.Expression;
kind: "await" | "await-then" | "await-catch";
pending: SvelteAwaitPendingBlock | null;
then: SvelteAwaitThenBlock | null;
catch: SvelteAwaitCatchBlock | null;
parent: SvelteProgram | SvelteElement | SvelteIfBlock | SvelteElseBlockAlone | SvelteEachBlock | SvelteAwaitPendingBlock | SvelteAwaitThenBlock | SvelteAwaitCatchBlock | SvelteKeyBlock;
/** Node of await block. e.g. `{#await}` */
export interface SvelteAwaitBlockAwaitPending extends BaseSvelteAwaitBlock {
kind: "await";
pending: SvelteAwaitPendingBlock;
then: SvelteAwaitThenBlockAlone | null;
catch: SvelteAwaitCatchBlockAlone | null;
/** Node of await block. e.g. `{#await ... then ... }` */
export interface SvelteAwaitBlockAwaitThen extends BaseSvelteAwaitBlock {
kind: "await-then";
pending: null;
then: SvelteAwaitThenBlockAwaitThen;
catch: SvelteAwaitCatchBlockAlone | null;
/** Node of await block. e.g. `{#await ... catch ... }` */
export interface SvelteAwaitBlockAwaitCatch extends BaseSvelteAwaitBlock {
kind: "await-catch";
pending: null;
then: null;
catch: SvelteAwaitCatchBlockAwaitCatch;
/** Node of await pending block. e.g. `{#await expr} ... {:then}` */
export interface SvelteAwaitPendingBlock extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteAwaitPendingBlock";
children: Child[];
parent: SvelteAwaitBlock;
/** Node of await then block. e.g. `{:then}`, `{#await ... then ...}` */
export type SvelteAwaitThenBlock = SvelteAwaitThenBlockAlone | SvelteAwaitThenBlockAwaitThen;
interface BaseSvelteAwaitThenBlock extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteAwaitThenBlock";
awaitThen: boolean;
value: ESTree.Pattern | null;
children: Child[];
parent: SvelteAwaitBlock;
/** Node of await then block. e.g. `{:then}` */
export interface SvelteAwaitThenBlockAlone extends BaseSvelteAwaitThenBlock {
awaitThen: false;
parent: SvelteAwaitBlockAwaitPending;
/** Node of await then block. e.g. `{#await ... then ...}` */
export interface SvelteAwaitThenBlockAwaitThen extends BaseSvelteAwaitThenBlock {
awaitThen: true;
parent: SvelteAwaitBlockAwaitThen;
/** Node of await catch block. e.g. `{:catch}`, `{#await ... catch ... }` */
export type SvelteAwaitCatchBlock = SvelteAwaitCatchBlockAlone | SvelteAwaitCatchBlockAwaitCatch;
interface BaseSvelteAwaitCatchBlock extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteAwaitCatchBlock";
awaitCatch: boolean;
error: ESTree.Pattern | null;
children: Child[];
parent: SvelteAwaitBlock;
/** Node of await catch block. e.g. `{:catch}` */
export interface SvelteAwaitCatchBlockAlone extends BaseSvelteAwaitCatchBlock {
awaitCatch: false;
parent: SvelteAwaitBlockAwaitPending | SvelteAwaitBlockAwaitThen;
/** Node of await catch block. e.g. `{#await ... catch ... }` */
export interface SvelteAwaitCatchBlockAwaitCatch extends BaseSvelteAwaitCatchBlock {
awaitCatch: true;
error: ESTree.Pattern | null;
children: Child[];
parent: SvelteAwaitBlockAwaitCatch;
/** Node of key block. e.g. `{#key}` */
export interface SvelteKeyBlock extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteKeyBlock";
expression: ESTree.Expression;
children: Child[];
parent: SvelteProgram | SvelteElement | SvelteIfBlock | SvelteElseBlockAlone | SvelteEachBlock | SvelteAwaitPendingBlock | SvelteAwaitThenBlock | SvelteAwaitCatchBlock | SvelteKeyBlock;
/** Node of HTML comment. */
export interface SvelteHTMLComment extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteHTMLComment";
value: string;
parent: SvelteProgram | SvelteElement | SvelteIfBlock | SvelteElseBlockAlone | SvelteEachBlock | SvelteAwaitPendingBlock | SvelteAwaitThenBlock | SvelteAwaitCatchBlock | SvelteKeyBlock;
/** Node of HTML attribute. */
export interface SvelteAttribute extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteAttribute";
key: SvelteName;
boolean: boolean;
value: (SvelteLiteral | SvelteMustacheTagText)[];
parent: SvelteStartTag;
/** Node of shorthand attribute. e.g. `<img {src}>` */
export interface SvelteShorthandAttribute extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteShorthandAttribute";
key: ESTree.Identifier;
value: ESTree.Identifier;
parent: SvelteStartTag;
/** Node of spread attribute. e.g. `<Info {...pkg}/>`. Like JSXSpreadAttribute */
export interface SvelteSpreadAttribute extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteSpreadAttribute";
argument: ESTree.Expression;
parent: SvelteStartTag;
/** Node of directive. e.g. `<input bind:value />` */
export type SvelteDirective = SvelteActionDirective | SvelteAnimationDirective | SvelteBindingDirective | SvelteClassDirective | SvelteEventHandlerDirective | SvelteLetDirective | SvelteRefDirective | SvelteTransitionDirective;
export type SvelteDirectiveKey = SvelteDirectiveKeyTextName | SvelteDirectiveKeyFunctionName | SvelteDirectiveKeyForEventHandler | SvelteDirectiveKeyForAction | SvelteDirectiveKeyForStyleShorthand;
interface BaseSvelteDirectiveKey<N extends ESTree.Expression | SvelteName> extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteDirectiveKey";
name: N;
modifiers: string[];
parent: SvelteDirective | SvelteStyleDirective;
export type SvelteDirectiveKeyTextName = BaseSvelteDirectiveKey<SvelteName>;
export type SvelteDirectiveKeyFunctionName = BaseSvelteDirectiveKey<ESTree.Identifier>;
export type SvelteDirectiveKeyForEventHandler = BaseSvelteDirectiveKey<SvelteName>;
export type SvelteDirectiveKeyForAction = BaseSvelteDirectiveKey<ESTree.Identifier | ESTree.MemberExpression | SvelteName>;
export type SvelteDirectiveKeyForStyleShorthand = BaseSvelteDirectiveKey<ESTree.Identifier>;
interface BaseSvelteDirective extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteDirective";
key: SvelteDirectiveKey;
parent: SvelteStartTag;
export interface SvelteActionDirective extends BaseSvelteDirective {
kind: "Action";
key: SvelteDirectiveKeyForAction;
expression: null | ESTree.Expression;
export interface SvelteAnimationDirective extends BaseSvelteDirective {
kind: "Animation";
key: SvelteDirectiveKeyFunctionName;
expression: null | ESTree.Expression;
export interface SvelteBindingDirective extends BaseSvelteDirective {
kind: "Binding";
key: SvelteDirectiveKeyTextName;
shorthand: boolean;
expression: null | ESTree.Expression;
export interface SvelteClassDirective extends BaseSvelteDirective {
kind: "Class";
key: SvelteDirectiveKeyTextName;
shorthand: boolean;
expression: null | ESTree.Expression;
export interface SvelteEventHandlerDirective extends BaseSvelteDirective {
kind: "EventHandler";
key: SvelteDirectiveKeyForEventHandler;
expression: null | ESTree.Expression;
export interface SvelteLetDirective extends BaseSvelteDirective {
kind: "Let";
key: SvelteDirectiveKeyTextName;
expression: null | ESTree.Pattern;
export interface SvelteRefDirective extends BaseSvelteDirective {
kind: "Ref";
key: SvelteDirectiveKeyTextName;
expression: null | ESTree.Expression;
export interface SvelteTransitionDirective extends BaseSvelteDirective {
kind: "Transition";
key: SvelteDirectiveKeyFunctionName;
intro: boolean;
outro: boolean;
expression: null | ESTree.Expression;
/** Node of style directive. e.g. `<input style:color />` */
export type SvelteStyleDirective = SvelteStyleDirectiveShorthand | SvelteStyleDirectiveLongform;
interface BaseSvelteStyleDirective extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteStyleDirective";
key: SvelteDirectiveKeyTextName | SvelteDirectiveKeyForStyleShorthand;
value: (SvelteLiteral | SvelteMustacheTagText)[];
parent: SvelteStartTag;
export interface SvelteStyleDirectiveShorthand extends BaseSvelteStyleDirective {
key: SvelteDirectiveKeyForStyleShorthand;
shorthand: true;
value: [];
export interface SvelteStyleDirectiveLongform extends BaseSvelteStyleDirective {
key: SvelteDirectiveKeyTextName;
shorthand: false;
value: (SvelteLiteral | SvelteMustacheTagText)[];
export interface SvelteSpecialDirectiveKey extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteSpecialDirectiveKey";
parent: SvelteSpecialDirective;
export interface SvelteSpecialDirective extends BaseNode {
type: "SvelteSpecialDirective";
kind: "this";
key: SvelteSpecialDirectiveKey;
expression: ESTree.Expression;
parent: SvelteStartTag;
export {};