You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

309 lines
13 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.convertKeyBlock = exports.convertAwaitBlock = exports.convertEachBlock = exports.convertIfBlock = void 0;
const element_1 = require("./element");
const common_1 = require("./common");
/** Get start index of block */
function startBlockIndex(code, endIndex) {
return (0, common_1.lastIndexOf)(code, (c, index) => {
if (c !== "{") {
return false;
for (let next = index + 1; next < code.length; next++) {
const nextC = code[next];
if (!nextC.trim()) {
return code.startsWith("#if", next) || code.startsWith(":else", next);
return false;
}, endIndex);
/** Convert for IfBlock */
function convertIfBlock(node, parent, ctx, elseif) {
// {#if expr} {:else} {/if}
// {:else if expr} {/if}
const nodeStart = elseif
? startBlockIndex(ctx.code, node.start - 1)
: node.start;
const ifBlock = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteIfBlock", elseif: Boolean(elseif), expression: null, children: [], else: null, parent }, ctx.getConvertLocation({ start: nodeStart, end: node.end }));
ctx.scriptLet.nestIfBlock(node.expression, ifBlock, (es) => {
ifBlock.expression = es;
ifBlock.children.push(...(0, element_1.convertChildren)(node, ifBlock, ctx));
if (elseif) {
const index = ctx.code.indexOf("if", nodeStart);
ctx.addToken("MustacheKeyword", { start: index, end: index + 2 });
extractMustacheBlockTokens(ifBlock, ctx, { startOnly: elseif });
if (!node.else) {
return ifBlock;
const elseStart = startBlockIndex(ctx.code, node.else.start - 1);
if (node.else.children.length === 1) {
const c = node.else.children[0];
if (c.type === "IfBlock" && c.elseif) {
const elseBlock = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteElseBlock", elseif: true, children: [], parent: ifBlock }, ctx.getConvertLocation({
start: elseStart,
end: node.else.end,
ifBlock.else = elseBlock;
const elseIfBlock = convertIfBlock(c, elseBlock, ctx, true);
// adjust loc
elseBlock.range[1] = elseIfBlock.range[1];
elseBlock.loc.end = {
line: elseIfBlock.loc.end.line,
column: elseIfBlock.loc.end.column,
elseBlock.children = [elseIfBlock];
return ifBlock;
const elseBlock = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteElseBlock", elseif: false, children: [], parent: ifBlock }, ctx.getConvertLocation({
start: elseStart,
end: node.else.end,
ifBlock.else = elseBlock;
elseBlock.children.push(...(0, element_1.convertChildren)(node.else, elseBlock, ctx));
extractMustacheBlockTokens(elseBlock, ctx, { startOnly: true });
return ifBlock;
exports.convertIfBlock = convertIfBlock;
/** Convert for EachBlock */
function convertEachBlock(node, parent, ctx) {
// {#each expr as item, index (key)} {/each}
const eachBlock = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteEachBlock", expression: null, context: null, index: null, key: null, children: [], else: null, parent }, ctx.getConvertLocation(node));
let indexRange = null;
if (node.index) {
const start = ctx.code.indexOf(node.index, (0, common_1.getWithLoc)(node.context).end);
indexRange = {
end: start + node.index.length,
ctx.scriptLet.nestEachBlock(node.expression, node.context, indexRange, eachBlock, (expression, context, index) => {
eachBlock.expression = expression;
eachBlock.context = context;
eachBlock.index = index;
const asStart = ctx.code.indexOf("as", (0, common_1.getWithLoc)(node.expression).end);
ctx.addToken("Keyword", {
start: asStart,
end: asStart + 2,
if (node.key) {
ctx.scriptLet.addExpression(node.key, eachBlock, null, (key) => {
eachBlock.key = key;
eachBlock.children.push(...(0, element_1.convertChildren)(node, eachBlock, ctx));
extractMustacheBlockTokens(eachBlock, ctx);
if (!node.else) {
return eachBlock;
const elseStart = startBlockIndex(ctx.code, node.else.start - 1);
const elseBlock = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteElseBlock", elseif: false, children: [], parent: eachBlock }, ctx.getConvertLocation({
start: elseStart,
end: node.else.end,
eachBlock.else = elseBlock;
elseBlock.children.push(...(0, element_1.convertChildren)(node.else, elseBlock, ctx));
extractMustacheBlockTokens(elseBlock, ctx, { startOnly: true });
return eachBlock;
exports.convertEachBlock = convertEachBlock;
/** Convert for AwaitBlock */
function convertAwaitBlock(node, parent, ctx) {
const awaitBlock = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteAwaitBlock", expression: null, kind: "await", pending: null, then: null, catch: null, parent }, ctx.getConvertLocation(node));
ctx.scriptLet.addExpression(node.expression, awaitBlock, null, (expression) => {
awaitBlock.expression = expression;
if (!node.pending.skip) {
const pendingBlock = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteAwaitPendingBlock", children: [], parent: awaitBlock }, ctx.getConvertLocation({
start: awaitBlock.range[0],
end: node.pending.end,
pendingBlock.children.push(...(0, element_1.convertChildren)(node.pending, pendingBlock, ctx));
awaitBlock.pending = pendingBlock;
if (!node.then.skip) {
const awaitThen = Boolean(node.pending.skip);
if (awaitThen) {
awaitBlock.kind = "await-then";
const thenStart = awaitBlock.pending ? node.then.start : node.start;
const thenBlock = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteAwaitThenBlock", awaitThen, value: null, children: [], parent: awaitBlock }, ctx.getConvertLocation({
start: thenStart,
end: node.then.end,
if (node.value) {
const baseParam = {
node: node.value,
parent: thenBlock,
callback(value) {
thenBlock.value = value;
typing: "any",
ctx.scriptLet.nestBlock(thenBlock, (typeCtx) => {
if (!typeCtx) {
return {
param: baseParam,
const expression = ctx.getText(node.expression);
if (node.expression.type === "Literal") {
return {
param: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, baseParam), { typing: expression }),
const idAwaitThenValue = typeCtx.generateUniqueId("AwaitThenValue");
if (node.expression.type === "Identifier" &&
// We cannot use type annotations like `(x: Foo<x>)` if they have the same identifier name.
!hasIdentifierFor(, baseParam.node)) {
return {
preparationScript: [generateAwaitThenValueType(idAwaitThenValue)],
param: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, baseParam), { typing: `${idAwaitThenValue}<(typeof ${expression})>` }),
const id = typeCtx.generateUniqueId(expression);
return {
preparationScript: [
`const ${id} = ${expression};`,
param: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, baseParam), { typing: `${idAwaitThenValue}<(typeof ${id})>` }),
else {
thenBlock.children.push(...(0, element_1.convertChildren)(node.then, thenBlock, ctx));
if (awaitBlock.pending) {
extractMustacheBlockTokens(thenBlock, ctx, { startOnly: true });
else {
const thenIndex = ctx.code.indexOf("then", (0, common_1.getWithLoc)(node.expression).end);
ctx.addToken("MustacheKeyword", {
start: thenIndex,
end: thenIndex + 4,
awaitBlock.then = thenBlock;
if (!node.catch.skip) {
const awaitCatch = Boolean(node.pending.skip && node.then.skip);
if (awaitCatch) {
awaitBlock.kind = "await-catch";
const catchStart = awaitBlock.pending || awaitBlock.then ? node.catch.start : node.start;
const catchBlock = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteAwaitCatchBlock", awaitCatch, error: null, children: [], parent: awaitBlock }, ctx.getConvertLocation({
start: catchStart,
end: node.catch.end,
if (node.error) {
ctx.scriptLet.nestBlock(catchBlock, [
node: node.error,
parent: catchBlock,
typing: "Error",
callback: (error) => {
catchBlock.error = error;
else {
catchBlock.children.push(...(0, element_1.convertChildren)(node.catch, catchBlock, ctx));
if (awaitBlock.pending || awaitBlock.then) {
extractMustacheBlockTokens(catchBlock, ctx, { startOnly: true });
else {
const catchIndex = ctx.code.indexOf("catch", (0, common_1.getWithLoc)(node.expression).end);
ctx.addToken("MustacheKeyword", {
start: catchIndex,
end: catchIndex + 5,
awaitBlock.catch = catchBlock;
extractMustacheBlockTokens(awaitBlock, ctx);
return awaitBlock;
exports.convertAwaitBlock = convertAwaitBlock;
/** Convert for KeyBlock */
function convertKeyBlock(node, parent, ctx) {
const keyBlock = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteKeyBlock", expression: null, children: [], parent }, ctx.getConvertLocation(node));
ctx.scriptLet.addExpression(node.expression, keyBlock, null, (expression) => {
keyBlock.expression = expression;
keyBlock.children.push(...(0, element_1.convertChildren)(node, keyBlock, ctx));
extractMustacheBlockTokens(keyBlock, ctx);
return keyBlock;
exports.convertKeyBlock = convertKeyBlock;
/** Extract mustache block tokens */
function extractMustacheBlockTokens(node, ctx, option) {
const startSectionNameStart = (0, common_1.indexOf)(ctx.code, (c) => Boolean(c.trim()), node.range[0] + 1);
const startSectionNameEnd = (0, common_1.indexOf)(ctx.code, (c) => c === "}" || !c.trim(), startSectionNameStart + 1);
ctx.addToken("MustacheKeyword", {
start: startSectionNameStart,
end: startSectionNameEnd,
if (option === null || option === void 0 ? void 0 : option.startOnly) {
const endSectionNameEnd = (0, common_1.lastIndexOf)(ctx.code, (c) => Boolean(c.trim()), node.range[1] - 2) + 1;
const endSectionNameStart = (0, common_1.lastIndexOf)(ctx.code, (c) => c === "{" || c === "/" || !c.trim(), endSectionNameEnd - 1);
ctx.addToken("MustacheKeyword", {
start: endSectionNameStart,
end: endSectionNameEnd,
/** Generate Awaited like type code */
function generateAwaitThenValueType(id) {
return `type ${id}<T> = T extends null | undefined
? T
: T extends { then(value: infer F): any }
? F extends (value: infer V, ...args: any) => any
? ${id}<V>
: never
: T;`;
/** Checks whether the given name identifier is exists or not. */
function hasIdentifierFor(name, node) {
if (node.type === "Identifier") {
return === name;
if (node.type === "ObjectPattern") {
return => property.type === "Property"
? hasIdentifierFor(name, property.value)
: hasIdentifierFor(name, property));
if (node.type === "ArrayPattern") {
return node.elements.some((element) => element && hasIdentifierFor(name, element));
if (node.type === "RestElement") {
return hasIdentifierFor(name, node.argument);
if (node.type === "AssignmentPattern") {
return hasIdentifierFor(name, node.left);
return false;