You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
2.2 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.transformMarkup = exports.parseAttributes = exports.stripTags = exports.createTagRegex = void 0;
/** Create a tag matching regexp. */
function createTagRegex(tagName, flags) {
return new RegExp(`/<!--[^]*?-->|<${tagName}(\\s[^]*?)?(?:>([^]*?)<\\/${tagName}>|\\/>)`, flags);
exports.createTagRegex = createTagRegex;
/** Strip script and style tags from markup. */
function stripTags(markup) {
return markup
.replace(createTagRegex('style', 'gi'), '')
.replace(createTagRegex('script', 'gi'), '');
exports.stripTags = stripTags;
/** Transform an attribute string into a key-value object */
function parseAttributes(attributesStr) {
return attributesStr
.reduce((acc, attr) => {
const [name, value] = attr.split('=');
// istanbul ignore next
acc[name] = value ? value.replace(/['"]/g, '') : true;
return acc;
}, {});
exports.parseAttributes = parseAttributes;
async function transformMarkup({ content, filename }, transformer, options = {}) {
let { markupTagName = 'template' } = options;
markupTagName = markupTagName.toLocaleLowerCase();
const markupPattern = createTagRegex(markupTagName);
const templateMatch = content.match(markupPattern);
/** If no <template> was found, run the transformer over the whole thing */
if (!templateMatch || templateMatch.index == null) {
return transformer({
markup: content,
attributes: {},
const [fullMatch, attributesStr = '', templateCode] = templateMatch;
const attributes = parseAttributes(attributesStr);
/** Transform the found template code */
let { code, map, dependencies } = await transformer({
content: templateCode,
markup: templateCode,
code =
content.slice(0, templateMatch.index) +
code +
content.slice(templateMatch.index + fullMatch.length);
return { code, map, dependencies };
exports.transformMarkup = transformMarkup;