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/// <reference types="svelte" />
import type { DrawerSettings } from './types.js';
* Retrieves the `drawerStore`.
* This can *ONLY* be called from the **top level** of components!
* @example
* ```svelte
* <script>
* import { getDrawerStore } from "@skeletonlabs/skeleton";
* const drawerStore = getDrawerStore();
* </script>
* ```
export declare function getDrawerStore(): DrawerStore;
* Initializes the `drawerStore`.
export declare function initializeDrawerStore(): DrawerStore;
export type DrawerStore = ReturnType<typeof drawerService>;
declare function drawerService(): {
subscribe: (this: void, run: import("svelte/store").Subscriber<DrawerSettings>, invalidate?: import("svelte/store").Invalidator<DrawerSettings> | undefined) => import("svelte/store").Unsubscriber;
set: (this: void, value: DrawerSettings) => void;
update: (this: void, updater: import("svelte/store").Updater<DrawerSettings>) => void;
/** Open the drawer. */
open: (newSettings?: DrawerSettings) => void;
/** Close the drawer. */
close: () => void;
export {};