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import { SvelteComponentTyped } from "svelte";
import type { Writable } from 'svelte/store';
import type { StepperEventDispatcher, StepperState } from './types.js';
import type { Transition, TransitionParams } from '../../index.js';
declare class __sveltets_Render<TransitionIn extends Transition, TransitionOut extends Transition> {
props(): {
[x: string]: any;
locked?: boolean | undefined;
/** Provide arbitrary classes to the step header region.*/
regionHeader?: string | undefined;
/** Provide arbitrary classes to the step content region.*/
regionContent?: string | undefined;
/** Provide arbitrary classes to the step navigation region.*/
regionNavigation?: string | undefined;
state?: Writable<StepperState> | undefined;
dispatchParent?: StepperEventDispatcher | undefined;
stepTerm?: string | undefined;
gap?: string | undefined;
justify?: string | undefined;
buttonBack?: string | undefined;
buttonBackType?: "button" | "reset" | "submit" | undefined;
buttonBackLabel?: string | undefined;
buttonNext?: string | undefined;
buttonNextType?: "button" | "reset" | "submit" | undefined;
buttonNextLabel?: string | undefined;
buttonComplete?: string | undefined;
buttonCompleteType?: "button" | "reset" | "submit" | undefined;
buttonCompleteLabel?: string | undefined;
/** Enable/Disable transitions*/
transitions?: boolean | undefined;
/** Provide the transition to used on entry.*/
transitionIn?: TransitionIn | undefined;
/** Transition params provided to `transitionIn`.*/
transitionInParams?: TransitionParams<TransitionIn> | undefined;
/** Provide the transition to used on exit.*/
transitionOut?: TransitionOut | undefined;
/** Transition params provided to `transitionOut`.*/
transitionOutParams?: TransitionParams<TransitionOut> | undefined;
events(): {} & {
[evt: string]: CustomEvent<any>;
slots(): {
header: {};
default: {};
navigation: {};
export type StepProps<TransitionIn extends Transition, TransitionOut extends Transition> = ReturnType<__sveltets_Render<TransitionIn, TransitionOut>['props']>;
export type StepEvents<TransitionIn extends Transition, TransitionOut extends Transition> = ReturnType<__sveltets_Render<TransitionIn, TransitionOut>['events']>;
export type StepSlots<TransitionIn extends Transition, TransitionOut extends Transition> = ReturnType<__sveltets_Render<TransitionIn, TransitionOut>['slots']>;
export default class Step<TransitionIn extends Transition, TransitionOut extends Transition> extends SvelteComponentTyped<StepProps<TransitionIn, TransitionOut>, StepEvents<TransitionIn, TransitionOut>, StepSlots<TransitionIn, TransitionOut>> {
export {};