/** * @fileoverview Rule to replace assignment expressions with logical operator assignment * @author Daniel Martens */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Requirements //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const astUtils = require("./utils/ast-utils.js"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const baseTypes = new Set(["Identifier", "Super", "ThisExpression"]); /** * Returns true iff either "undefined" or a void expression (eg. "void 0") * @param {ASTNode} expression Expression to check * @param {import('eslint-scope').Scope} scope Scope of the expression * @returns {boolean} True iff "undefined" or "void ..." */ function isUndefined(expression, scope) { if (expression.type === "Identifier" && expression.name === "undefined") { return astUtils.isReferenceToGlobalVariable(scope, expression); } return expression.type === "UnaryExpression" && expression.operator === "void" && expression.argument.type === "Literal" && expression.argument.value === 0; } /** * Returns true iff the reference is either an identifier or member expression * @param {ASTNode} expression Expression to check * @returns {boolean} True for identifiers and member expressions */ function isReference(expression) { return (expression.type === "Identifier" && expression.name !== "undefined") || expression.type === "MemberExpression"; } /** * Returns true iff the expression checks for nullish with loose equals. * Examples: value == null, value == void 0 * @param {ASTNode} expression Test condition * @param {import('eslint-scope').Scope} scope Scope of the expression * @returns {boolean} True iff implicit nullish comparison */ function isImplicitNullishComparison(expression, scope) { if (expression.type !== "BinaryExpression" || expression.operator !== "==") { return false; } const reference = isReference(expression.left) ? "left" : "right"; const nullish = reference === "left" ? "right" : "left"; return isReference(expression[reference]) && (astUtils.isNullLiteral(expression[nullish]) || isUndefined(expression[nullish], scope)); } /** * Condition with two equal comparisons. * @param {ASTNode} expression Condition * @returns {boolean} True iff matches ? === ? || ? === ? */ function isDoubleComparison(expression) { return expression.type === "LogicalExpression" && expression.operator === "||" && expression.left.type === "BinaryExpression" && expression.left.operator === "===" && expression.right.type === "BinaryExpression" && expression.right.operator === "==="; } /** * Returns true iff the expression checks for undefined and null. * Example: value === null || value === undefined * @param {ASTNode} expression Test condition * @param {import('eslint-scope').Scope} scope Scope of the expression * @returns {boolean} True iff explicit nullish comparison */ function isExplicitNullishComparison(expression, scope) { if (!isDoubleComparison(expression)) { return false; } const leftReference = isReference(expression.left.left) ? "left" : "right"; const leftNullish = leftReference === "left" ? "right" : "left"; const rightReference = isReference(expression.right.left) ? "left" : "right"; const rightNullish = rightReference === "left" ? "right" : "left"; return astUtils.isSameReference(expression.left[leftReference], expression.right[rightReference]) && ((astUtils.isNullLiteral(expression.left[leftNullish]) && isUndefined(expression.right[rightNullish], scope)) || (isUndefined(expression.left[leftNullish], scope) && astUtils.isNullLiteral(expression.right[rightNullish]))); } /** * Returns true for Boolean(arg) calls * @param {ASTNode} expression Test condition * @param {import('eslint-scope').Scope} scope Scope of the expression * @returns {boolean} Whether the expression is a boolean cast */ function isBooleanCast(expression, scope) { return expression.type === "CallExpression" && expression.callee.name === "Boolean" && expression.arguments.length === 1 && astUtils.isReferenceToGlobalVariable(scope, expression.callee); } /** * Returns true for: * truthiness checks: value, Boolean(value), !!value * falsiness checks: !value, !Boolean(value) * nullish checks: value == null, value === undefined || value === null * @param {ASTNode} expression Test condition * @param {import('eslint-scope').Scope} scope Scope of the expression * @returns {?{ reference: ASTNode, operator: '??'|'||'|'&&'}} Null if not a known existence */ function getExistence(expression, scope) { const isNegated = expression.type === "UnaryExpression" && expression.operator === "!"; const base = isNegated ? expression.argument : expression; switch (true) { case isReference(base): return { reference: base, operator: isNegated ? "||" : "&&" }; case base.type === "UnaryExpression" && base.operator === "!" && isReference(base.argument): return { reference: base.argument, operator: "&&" }; case isBooleanCast(base, scope) && isReference(base.arguments[0]): return { reference: base.arguments[0], operator: isNegated ? "||" : "&&" }; case isImplicitNullishComparison(expression, scope): return { reference: isReference(expression.left) ? expression.left : expression.right, operator: "??" }; case isExplicitNullishComparison(expression, scope): return { reference: isReference(expression.left.left) ? expression.left.left : expression.left.right, operator: "??" }; default: return null; } } /** * Returns true iff the node is inside a with block * @param {ASTNode} node Node to check * @returns {boolean} True iff passed node is inside a with block */ function isInsideWithBlock(node) { if (node.type === "Program") { return false; } return node.parent.type === "WithStatement" && node.parent.body === node ? true : isInsideWithBlock(node.parent); } /** * Gets the leftmost operand of a consecutive logical expression. * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode The ESLint source code object * @param {LogicalExpression} node LogicalExpression * @returns {Expression} Leftmost operand */ function getLeftmostOperand(sourceCode, node) { let left = node.left; while (left.type === "LogicalExpression" && left.operator === node.operator) { if (astUtils.isParenthesised(sourceCode, left)) { /* * It should have associativity, * but ignore it if use parentheses to make the evaluation order clear. */ return left; } left = left.left; } return left; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** @type {import('../shared/types').Rule} */ module.exports = { meta: { type: "suggestion", docs: { description: "Require or disallow logical assignment operator shorthand", recommended: false, url: "https://eslint.org/docs/latest/rules/logical-assignment-operators" }, schema: { type: "array", oneOf: [{ items: [ { const: "always" }, { type: "object", properties: { enforceForIfStatements: { type: "boolean" } }, additionalProperties: false } ], minItems: 0, // 0 for allowing passing no options maxItems: 2 }, { items: [{ const: "never" }], minItems: 1, maxItems: 1 }] }, fixable: "code", hasSuggestions: true, messages: { assignment: "Assignment (=) can be replaced with operator assignment ({{operator}}).", useLogicalOperator: "Convert this assignment to use the operator {{ operator }}.", logical: "Logical expression can be replaced with an assignment ({{ operator }}).", convertLogical: "Replace this logical expression with an assignment with the operator {{ operator }}.", if: "'if' statement can be replaced with a logical operator assignment with operator {{ operator }}.", convertIf: "Replace this 'if' statement with a logical assignment with operator {{ operator }}.", unexpected: "Unexpected logical operator assignment ({{operator}}) shorthand.", separate: "Separate the logical assignment into an assignment with a logical operator." } }, create(context) { const mode = context.options[0] === "never" ? "never" : "always"; const checkIf = mode === "always" && context.options.length > 1 && context.options[1].enforceForIfStatements; const sourceCode = context.sourceCode; const isStrict = sourceCode.getScope(sourceCode.ast).isStrict; /** * Returns false if the access could be a getter * @param {ASTNode} node Assignment expression * @returns {boolean} True iff the fix is safe */ function cannotBeGetter(node) { return node.type === "Identifier" && (isStrict || !isInsideWithBlock(node)); } /** * Check whether only a single property is accessed * @param {ASTNode} node reference * @returns {boolean} True iff a single property is accessed */ function accessesSingleProperty(node) { if (!isStrict && isInsideWithBlock(node)) { return node.type === "Identifier"; } return node.type === "MemberExpression" && baseTypes.has(node.object.type) && (!node.computed || (node.property.type !== "MemberExpression" && node.property.type !== "ChainExpression")); } /** * Adds a fixer or suggestion whether on the fix is safe. * @param {{ messageId: string, node: ASTNode }} descriptor Report descriptor without fix or suggest * @param {{ messageId: string, fix: Function }} suggestion Adds the fix or the whole suggestion as only element in "suggest" to suggestion * @param {boolean} shouldBeFixed Fix iff the condition is true * @returns {Object} Descriptor with either an added fix or suggestion */ function createConditionalFixer(descriptor, suggestion, shouldBeFixed) { if (shouldBeFixed) { return { ...descriptor, fix: suggestion.fix }; } return { ...descriptor, suggest: [suggestion] }; } /** * Returns the operator token for assignments and binary expressions * @param {ASTNode} node AssignmentExpression or BinaryExpression * @returns {import('eslint').AST.Token} Operator token between the left and right expression */ function getOperatorToken(node) { return sourceCode.getFirstTokenBetween(node.left, node.right, token => token.value === node.operator); } if (mode === "never") { return { // foo ||= bar "AssignmentExpression"(assignment) { if (!astUtils.isLogicalAssignmentOperator(assignment.operator)) { return; } const descriptor = { messageId: "unexpected", node: assignment, data: { operator: assignment.operator } }; const suggestion = { messageId: "separate", *fix(ruleFixer) { if (sourceCode.getCommentsInside(assignment).length > 0) { return; } const operatorToken = getOperatorToken(assignment); // -> foo = bar yield ruleFixer.replaceText(operatorToken, "="); const assignmentText = sourceCode.getText(assignment.left); const operator = assignment.operator.slice(0, -1); // -> foo = foo || bar yield ruleFixer.insertTextAfter(operatorToken, ` ${assignmentText} ${operator}`); const precedence = astUtils.getPrecedence(assignment.right) <= astUtils.getPrecedence({ type: "LogicalExpression", operator }); // ?? and || / && cannot be mixed but have same precedence const mixed = assignment.operator === "??=" && astUtils.isLogicalExpression(assignment.right); if (!astUtils.isParenthesised(sourceCode, assignment.right) && (precedence || mixed)) { // -> foo = foo || (bar) yield ruleFixer.insertTextBefore(assignment.right, "("); yield ruleFixer.insertTextAfter(assignment.right, ")"); } } }; context.report(createConditionalFixer(descriptor, suggestion, cannotBeGetter(assignment.left))); } }; } return { // foo = foo || bar "AssignmentExpression[operator='='][right.type='LogicalExpression']"(assignment) { const leftOperand = getLeftmostOperand(sourceCode, assignment.right); if (!astUtils.isSameReference(assignment.left, leftOperand) ) { return; } const descriptor = { messageId: "assignment", node: assignment, data: { operator: `${assignment.right.operator}=` } }; const suggestion = { messageId: "useLogicalOperator", data: { operator: `${assignment.right.operator}=` }, *fix(ruleFixer) { if (sourceCode.getCommentsInside(assignment).length > 0) { return; } // No need for parenthesis around the assignment based on precedence as the precedence stays the same even with changed operator const assignmentOperatorToken = getOperatorToken(assignment); // -> foo ||= foo || bar yield ruleFixer.insertTextBefore(assignmentOperatorToken, assignment.right.operator); // -> foo ||= bar const logicalOperatorToken = getOperatorToken(leftOperand.parent); const firstRightOperandToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(logicalOperatorToken); yield ruleFixer.removeRange([leftOperand.parent.range[0], firstRightOperandToken.range[0]]); } }; context.report(createConditionalFixer(descriptor, suggestion, cannotBeGetter(assignment.left))); }, // foo || (foo = bar) 'LogicalExpression[right.type="AssignmentExpression"][right.operator="="]'(logical) { // Right side has to be parenthesized, otherwise would be parsed as (foo || foo) = bar which is illegal if (isReference(logical.left) && astUtils.isSameReference(logical.left, logical.right.left)) { const descriptor = { messageId: "logical", node: logical, data: { operator: `${logical.operator}=` } }; const suggestion = { messageId: "convertLogical", data: { operator: `${logical.operator}=` }, *fix(ruleFixer) { if (sourceCode.getCommentsInside(logical).length > 0) { return; } const parentPrecedence = astUtils.getPrecedence(logical.parent); const requiresOuterParenthesis = logical.parent.type !== "ExpressionStatement" && ( parentPrecedence === -1 || astUtils.getPrecedence({ type: "AssignmentExpression" }) < parentPrecedence ); if (!astUtils.isParenthesised(sourceCode, logical) && requiresOuterParenthesis) { yield ruleFixer.insertTextBefore(logical, "("); yield ruleFixer.insertTextAfter(logical, ")"); } // Also removes all opening parenthesis yield ruleFixer.removeRange([logical.range[0], logical.right.range[0]]); // -> foo = bar) // Also removes all ending parenthesis yield ruleFixer.removeRange([logical.right.range[1], logical.range[1]]); // -> foo = bar const operatorToken = getOperatorToken(logical.right); yield ruleFixer.insertTextBefore(operatorToken, logical.operator); // -> foo ||= bar } }; const fix = cannotBeGetter(logical.left) || accessesSingleProperty(logical.left); context.report(createConditionalFixer(descriptor, suggestion, fix)); } }, // if (foo) foo = bar "IfStatement[alternate=null]"(ifNode) { if (!checkIf) { return; } const hasBody = ifNode.consequent.type === "BlockStatement"; if (hasBody && ifNode.consequent.body.length !== 1) { return; } const body = hasBody ? ifNode.consequent.body[0] : ifNode.consequent; const scope = sourceCode.getScope(ifNode); const existence = getExistence(ifNode.test, scope); if ( body.type === "ExpressionStatement" && body.expression.type === "AssignmentExpression" && body.expression.operator === "=" && existence !== null && astUtils.isSameReference(existence.reference, body.expression.left) ) { const descriptor = { messageId: "if", node: ifNode, data: { operator: `${existence.operator}=` } }; const suggestion = { messageId: "convertIf", data: { operator: `${existence.operator}=` }, *fix(ruleFixer) { if (sourceCode.getCommentsInside(ifNode).length > 0) { return; } const firstBodyToken = sourceCode.getFirstToken(body); const prevToken = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(ifNode); if ( prevToken !== null && prevToken.value !== ";" && prevToken.value !== "{" && firstBodyToken.type !== "Identifier" && firstBodyToken.type !== "Keyword" ) { // Do not fix if the fixed statement could be part of the previous statement (eg. fn() if (a == null) (a) = b --> fn()(a) ??= b) return; } const operatorToken = getOperatorToken(body.expression); yield ruleFixer.insertTextBefore(operatorToken, existence.operator); // -> if (foo) foo ||= bar yield ruleFixer.removeRange([ifNode.range[0], body.range[0]]); // -> foo ||= bar yield ruleFixer.removeRange([body.range[1], ifNode.range[1]]); // -> foo ||= bar, only present if "if" had a body const nextToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(body.expression); if (hasBody && (nextToken !== null && nextToken.value !== ";")) { yield ruleFixer.insertTextAfter(ifNode, ";"); } } }; const shouldBeFixed = cannotBeGetter(existence.reference) || (ifNode.test.type !== "LogicalExpression" && accessesSingleProperty(existence.reference)); context.report(createConditionalFixer(descriptor, suggestion, shouldBeFixed)); } } }; } };