import { SvelteComponentTyped } from "svelte"; declare const __propDef: { props: { [x: string]: any; /** Provide classes to set background color.*/ background?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set border styles.*/ border?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set padding.*/ padding?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to define a box shadow.*/ shadow?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set the vertical spacing between rows.*/ spacing?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set grid columns for the main row.*/ gridColumns?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set gap spacing for the main row.*/ gap?: string | undefined; /** Provide arbitrary classes to style the top (main) row.*/ regionRowMain?: string | undefined; /** Provide arbitrary classes to style the bottom (headline) row.*/ regionRowHeadline?: string | undefined; /** Classes to apply to the lead slot container element*/ slotLead?: string | undefined; /** Classes to apply to the default slot container element*/ slotDefault?: string | undefined; /** Classes to apply to the trail slot container element*/ slotTrail?: string | undefined; /** Provide a semantic ID for the ARIA label.*/ label?: string | undefined; /** Provide the ID of the element that labels the toolbar.*/ labelledby?: string | undefined; }; events: { [evt: string]: CustomEvent; }; slots: { lead: {}; default: {}; trail: {}; headline: {}; }; }; export type AppBarProps = typeof __propDef.props; export type AppBarEvents = typeof; export type AppBarSlots = typeof __propDef.slots; export default class AppBar extends SvelteComponentTyped { } export {};