/** * Core package of PurgeCSS * * Contains the core methods to analyze the files, remove unused CSS. * * @packageDocumentation */ import * as postcss from 'postcss'; /* Excluded from this release type: AtRules */ /** * @public */ export declare type ComplexSafelist = { standard?: StringRegExpArray; /** * You can safelist selectors and their children based on a regular * expression with `safelist.deep` * * @example * * ```ts * const purgecss = await new PurgeCSS().purge({ * content: [], * css: [], * safelist: { * deep: [/red$/] * } * }) * ``` * * In this example, selectors such as `.bg-red .child-of-bg` will be left * in the final CSS, even if `child-of-bg` is not found. * */ deep?: RegExp[]; greedy?: RegExp[]; variables?: StringRegExpArray; keyframes?: StringRegExpArray; }; /** * @public */ export declare const defaultOptions: Options; /** * @public */ export declare type ExtractorFunction = (content: T) => ExtractorResult; /** * @public */ export declare type ExtractorResult = ExtractorResultDetailed | string[]; /** * @public */ export declare interface ExtractorResultDetailed { attributes: { names: string[]; values: string[]; }; classes: string[]; ids: string[]; tags: string[]; undetermined: string[]; } /** * @public */ export declare class ExtractorResultSets { private undetermined; private attrNames; private attrValues; private classes; private ids; private tags; constructor(er: ExtractorResult); merge(that: ExtractorResult | ExtractorResultSets): this; hasAttrName(name: string): boolean; private someAttrValue; hasAttrPrefix(prefix: string): boolean; hasAttrSuffix(suffix: string): boolean; hasAttrSubstr(substr: string): boolean; hasAttrValue(value: string): boolean; hasClass(name: string): boolean; hasId(id: string): boolean; hasTag(tag: string): boolean; } /** * @public */ export declare interface Extractors { extensions: string[]; extractor: ExtractorFunction; } /* Excluded from this release type: IgnoreType */ /** * Merge two extractor selectors * * @param extractorSelectorsA - extractor selectors A * @param extractorSelectorsB - extractor selectors B * @returns the merged extractor result sets * * @public */ export declare function mergeExtractorSelectors(...extractors: (ExtractorResultDetailed | ExtractorResultSets)[]): ExtractorResultSets; /** * Options used by PurgeCSS to remove unused CSS * Those options are used internally * @see {@link UserDefinedOptions} for the options defined by the user * * @public */ export declare interface Options { /** * You can specify content that should be analyzed by PurgeCSS with an * array of filenames or globs. The files can be HTML, Pug, Blade, etc. * * @example * * ```ts * await new PurgeCSS().purge({ * content: ['index.html', '*.js', '*.html', '*.vue'], * css: ['css/app.css'] * }) * ``` * * @example * PurgeCSS also works with raw content. To do this, you need to pass an * object with the `raw` property instead of a filename. To work properly * with custom extractors you need to pass the `extension` property along * with the raw content. * * ```ts * await new PurgeCSS().purge({ * content: [ * { * raw: '
', * extension: 'html' * }, * '*.js', * '*.html', * '*.vue' * ], * css: [ * { * raw: 'body { margin: 0 }' * }, * 'css/app.css' * ] * }) * ``` */ content: Array; /** * Similar to content, you can specify css that should be processed by * PurgeCSS with an array of filenames or globs */ css: Array; defaultExtractor: ExtractorFunction; extractors: Array; /** * If there are any unused \@font-face rules in your css, you can remove * them by setting the `fontFace` option to `true`. * * @defaultValue `false` * * @example * ```ts * await new PurgeCSS().purge({ * content: ['index.html', '*.js', '*.html', '*.vue'], * css: ['css/app.css'], * fontFace: true * }) * ``` */ fontFace: boolean; keyframes: boolean; output?: string; rejected: boolean; rejectedCss: boolean; /** {@inheritDoc postcss#SourceMapOptions} */ sourceMap: boolean | (postcss.SourceMapOptions & { to?: string; }); stdin: boolean; stdout: boolean; variables: boolean; /** * You can indicate which selectors are safe to leave in the final CSS. * This can be accomplished with the option safelist. */ safelist: Required; /** * Blocklist will block the CSS selectors from appearing in the final * output CSS. The selectors will be removed even when they are seen * as used by PurgeCSS. */ blocklist: StringRegExpArray; /** * If you provide globs for the content parameter, you can use this option * to exclude certain files or folders that would otherwise be scanned. * Pass an array of globs matching items that should be excluded. * (Note: this option has no effect if content is not globs.) */ skippedContentGlobs: Array; /** * Option to add custom CSS attribute selectors like "aria-selected", * "data-selected", ...etc. */ dynamicAttributes: string[]; } /** * @public */ export declare type PostCSSRoot = postcss.Root; /** * Class used to instantiate PurgeCSS and can then be used * to purge CSS files. * * @example * ```ts * await new PurgeCSS().purge({ * content: ['index.html'], * css: ['css/app.css'] * }) * ``` * * @public */ export declare class PurgeCSS { private ignore; private atRules; private usedAnimations; private usedFontFaces; selectorsRemoved: Set; removedNodes: postcss.Node[]; variablesStructure: VariablesStructure; options: Options; private collectDeclarationsData; /** * Get the extractor corresponding to the extension file * @param filename - Name of the file * @param extractors - Array of extractors definition */ private getFileExtractor; /** * Extract the selectors present in the files using a PurgeCSS extractor * * @param files - Array of files path or glob pattern * @param extractors - Array of extractors */ extractSelectorsFromFiles(files: string[], extractors: Extractors[]): Promise; /** * Extract the selectors present in the passed string using a PurgeCSS extractor * * @param content - Array of content * @param extractors - Array of extractors */ extractSelectorsFromString(content: RawContent[], extractors: Extractors[]): Promise; /** * Evaluate at-rule and register it for future reference * @param node - node of postcss AST */ private evaluateAtRule; /** * Evaluate css selector and decide if it should be removed or not * * @param node - node of postcss AST * @param selectors - selectors used in content files */ private evaluateRule; /** * Get the purged version of the css based on the files * * @param cssOptions - css options, files or raw strings * @param selectors - set of extracted css selectors */ getPurgedCSS(cssOptions: Array, selectors: ExtractorResultSets): Promise; /** * Check if the keyframe is safelisted with the option safelist keyframes * * @param keyframesName - name of the keyframe animation */ private isKeyframesSafelisted; /** * Check if the selector is blocklisted with the option blocklist * * @param selector - css selector */ private isSelectorBlocklisted; /** * Check if the selector is safelisted with the option safelist standard * * @param selector - css selector */ private isSelectorSafelisted; /** * Check if the selector is safelisted with the option safelist deep * * @param selector - selector */ private isSelectorSafelistedDeep; /** * Check if the selector is safelisted with the option safelist greedy * * @param selector - selector */ private isSelectorSafelistedGreedy; /** * Remove unused CSS * * @param userOptions - PurgeCSS options or path to the configuration file * @returns an array of object containing the filename and the associated CSS * * @example Using a configuration file named purgecss.config.js * ```ts * const purgeCSSResults = await new PurgeCSS().purge() * ``` * * @example Using a custom path to the configuration file * ```ts * const purgeCSSResults = await new PurgeCSS().purge('./purgecss.config.js') * ``` * * @example Using the PurgeCSS options * ```ts * const purgeCSSResults = await new PurgeCSS().purge({ * content: ['index.html', '**\/*.js', '**\/*.html', '**\/*.vue'], * css: ['css/app.css'] * }) * ``` */ purge(userOptions: UserDefinedOptions | string | undefined): Promise; /** * Remove unused CSS variables */ removeUnusedCSSVariables(): void; /** * Remove unused font-faces */ removeUnusedFontFaces(): void; /** * Remove unused keyframes */ removeUnusedKeyframes(): void; /** * Transform a selector node into a string */ private getSelectorValue; /** * Determine if the selector should be kept, based on the selectors found in the files * * @param selector - set of css selectors found in the content files or string * @param selectorsFromExtractor - selectors in the css rule * * @returns true if the selector should be kept in the processed CSS */ private shouldKeepSelector; /** * Walk through the CSS AST and remove unused CSS * * @param root - root node of the postcss AST * @param selectors - selectors used in content files */ walkThroughCSS(root: PostCSSRoot, selectors: ExtractorResultSets): void; } /** * @public */ export declare interface RawContent { extension: string; raw: T; } /** * @public */ export declare interface RawCSS { raw: string; name?: string; } /** * @public */ export declare interface ResultPurge { css: string; /** * sourceMap property will be empty if * {@link UserDefinedOptions.sourceMap} inline is not set to false, as the * source map will be contained within the text of ResultPurge.css */ sourceMap?: string; rejectedCss?: string; file?: string; rejected?: string[]; } /** * Load the configuration file from the path * * @param configFile - Path of the config file * @returns The options from the configuration file * * @throws Error * This exception is thrown if the configuration file was not imported * * @public */ export declare function setOptions(configFile?: string): Promise; /** * Format the user defined safelist into a standardized safelist object * * @param userDefinedSafelist - the user defined safelist * @returns the formatted safelist object that can be used in the PurgeCSS options * * @public */ export declare function standardizeSafelist(userDefinedSafelist?: UserDefinedSafelist): Required; /** * @public */ export declare type StringRegExpArray = Array; /** * Options used by PurgeCSS to remove unused CSS * * @public */ export declare interface UserDefinedOptions { /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.content} */ content: Array; /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.css} */ css: Array; /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.defaultExtractor} */ defaultExtractor?: ExtractorFunction; /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.extractors} */ extractors?: Array; /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.fontFace} */ fontFace?: boolean; /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.keyframes} */ keyframes?: boolean; /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.output} */ output?: string; /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.rejected} */ rejected?: boolean; /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.rejectedCss} */ rejectedCss?: boolean; /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.sourceMap } */ sourceMap?: boolean | (postcss.SourceMapOptions & { to?: string; }); /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.stdin} */ stdin?: boolean; /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.stdout} */ stdout?: boolean; /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.variables} */ variables?: boolean; /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.safelist} */ safelist?: UserDefinedSafelist; /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.blocklist} */ blocklist?: StringRegExpArray; /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.skippedContentGlobs} */ skippedContentGlobs?: Array; /** {@inheritDoc purgecss#Options.dynamicAttributes} */ dynamicAttributes?: string[]; } /** * @public */ export declare type UserDefinedSafelist = StringRegExpArray | ComplexSafelist; /** * @public */ export declare class VariableNode { nodes: VariableNode[]; value: postcss.Declaration; isUsed: boolean; constructor(declaration: postcss.Declaration); } /** * @public */ export declare class VariablesStructure { nodes: Map; usedVariables: Set; safelist: StringRegExpArray; addVariable(declaration: postcss.Declaration): void; addVariableUsage(declaration: postcss.Declaration, matchedVariables: IterableIterator): void; addVariableUsageInProperties(matchedVariables: IterableIterator): void; setAsUsed(variableName: string): void; removeUnused(): void; isVariablesSafelisted(variable: string): boolean; } export { }