import { SvelteComponentTyped } from "svelte"; declare const __propDef: { props: { [x: string]: any; /** Rail: Provide classes to set the background color.*/ background?: string | undefined; /** Rail: Provide classes to set the background color.*/ border?: string | undefined; /** Rail: Provide classes to set the width.*/ width?: string | undefined; /** Rail: Provide classes to set the height.*/ height?: string | undefined; /** Rail: Provide a class to set the grid gap.*/ gap?: string | undefined; /** Rail: Provide arbitrary classes to the lead region.*/ regionLead?: string | undefined; /** Rail: Provide arbitrary classes to the default region.*/ regionDefault?: string | undefined; /** Rail: Provide arbitrary classes to the trail region.*/ regionTrail?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set the tile/anchor hover background color.*/ hover?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set the tile/anchor active tile background.*/ active?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set the tile/anchor vertical spacing.*/ spacing?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set the tile/anchor aspect ratio.*/ aspectRatio?: string | undefined; }; events: { [evt: string]: CustomEvent; }; slots: { lead: {}; default: {}; trail: {}; }; }; export type AppRailProps = typeof __propDef.props; export type AppRailEvents = typeof; export type AppRailSlots = typeof __propDef.slots; /** A vertical navigation rail component. */ export default class AppRail extends SvelteComponentTyped { } export {};