/** * The Grapheme_Cluster_Break property value * @see https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/#Default_Grapheme_Cluster_Table */ export declare enum CLUSTER_BREAK { CR = 0, LF = 1, CONTROL = 2, EXTEND = 3, REGIONAL_INDICATOR = 4, SPACINGMARK = 5, L = 6, V = 7, T = 8, LV = 9, LVT = 10, OTHER = 11, PREPEND = 12, E_BASE = 13, E_MODIFIER = 14, ZWJ = 15, GLUE_AFTER_ZWJ = 16, E_BASE_GAZ = 17 } /** * The Emoji character property is an extension of UCD but shares the same namespace and structure * @see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/tr51-14.html#Emoji_Properties_and_Data_Files * * Here we model Extended_Pictograhpic only to implement UAX #29 GB11 * \p{Extended_Pictographic} Extend* ZWJ × \p{Extended_Pictographic} * * The Emoji character property should not be mixed with Grapheme_Cluster_Break since they are not exclusive */ export declare const EXTENDED_PICTOGRAPHIC = 101; //# sourceMappingURL=boundaries.d.ts.map