import { SvelteComponentTyped } from "svelte"; import type { ConicStop } from './types.js'; declare const __propDef: { props: { [x: string]: any; /** Provide a data set of color stops and labels.*/ stops?: ConicStop[] | undefined; /** Enable a contextual legend.*/ legend?: boolean | undefined; /** When enabled, the conic gradient will spin.*/ spin?: boolean | undefined; /** Style the conic gradient width.*/ width?: string | undefined; /** Style the legend hover effect.*/ hover?: string | undefined; /** Set the number of digits on the legend values.*/ digits?: number | undefined; /** Style the caption region above the gradient.*/ regionCaption?: string | undefined; /** Style the conic gradient region.*/ regionCone?: string | undefined; /** Style the legend region below the gradient.*/ regionLegend?: string | undefined; }; events: { click: MouseEvent; keydown: KeyboardEvent; keyup: KeyboardEvent; keypress: KeyboardEvent; } & { [evt: string]: CustomEvent; }; slots: { default: {}; }; }; export type ConicGradientProps = typeof __propDef.props; export type ConicGradientEvents = typeof; export type ConicGradientSlots = typeof __propDef.slots; export default class ConicGradient extends SvelteComponentTyped { } export {};