import {TokenType as tt} from "../parser/tokenizer/types"; import getImportExportSpecifierInfo from "./getImportExportSpecifierInfo"; /** * Special case code to scan for imported names in ESM TypeScript. We need to do this so we can * properly get globals so we can compute shadowed globals. * * This is similar to logic in CJSImportProcessor, but trimmed down to avoid logic with CJS * replacement and flow type imports. */ export default function getTSImportedNames(tokens) { const importedNames = new Set(); for (let i = 0; i < tokens.tokens.length; i++) { if ( tokens.matches1AtIndex(i, tt._import) && !tokens.matches3AtIndex(i, tt._import,, tt.eq) ) { collectNamesForImport(tokens, i, importedNames); } } return importedNames; } function collectNamesForImport( tokens, index, importedNames, ) { index++; if (tokens.matches1AtIndex(index, tt.parenL)) { // Dynamic import, so nothing to do return; } if (tokens.matches1AtIndex(index, { importedNames.add(tokens.identifierNameAtIndex(index)); index++; if (tokens.matches1AtIndex(index, tt.comma)) { index++; } } if (tokens.matches1AtIndex(index, { // * as index += 2; importedNames.add(tokens.identifierNameAtIndex(index)); index++; } if (tokens.matches1AtIndex(index, tt.braceL)) { index++; collectNamesForNamedImport(tokens, index, importedNames); } } function collectNamesForNamedImport( tokens, index, importedNames, ) { while (true) { if (tokens.matches1AtIndex(index, tt.braceR)) { return; } const specifierInfo = getImportExportSpecifierInfo(tokens, index); index = specifierInfo.endIndex; if (!specifierInfo.isType) { importedNames.add(specifierInfo.rightName); } if (tokens.matches2AtIndex(index, tt.comma, tt.braceR)) { return; } else if (tokens.matches1AtIndex(index, tt.braceR)) { return; } else if (tokens.matches1AtIndex(index, tt.comma)) { index++; } else { throw new Error(`Unexpected token: ${JSON.stringify(tokens.tokens[index])}`); } } }