# totalist [![build status](https://badgen.now.sh/github/status/lukeed/totalist)](https://github.com/lukeed/totalist/actions) [![codecov](https://badgen.now.sh/codecov/c/github/lukeed/totalist)](https://codecov.io/gh/lukeed/totalist) > A tiny (195B to 224B) utility to recursively list all (total) files in a directory Traverse a directory recursively, running a function for **every file** found. With this module, you easily apply custom logic to decide which file(s) to process without worrying about accidentally accessing a directory or making repeat `fs.Stats` requests. ## Install ``` $ npm install --save totalist ``` ## Modes There are two "versions" of `totalist` available: #### "async" > **Node.js:** >= 8.x
> **Size (gzip):** 220 bytes
> **Availability:** [CommonJS](https://unpkg.com/totalist/dist/index.js), [ES Module](https://unpkg.com/totalist/dist/index.mjs) This is the primary/default mode. It makes use of `async`/`await` and [`util.promisify`](https://nodejs.org/api/util.html#util_util_promisify_original). #### "sync" > **Node.js:** >= 6.x
> **Size (gzip):** 195 bytes
> **Availability:** [CommonJS](https://unpkg.com/totalist/sync/index.js), [ES Module](https://unpkg.com/totalist/sync/index.mjs) This is the opt-in mode, ideal for scenarios where `async` usage cannot be supported. ## Usage ***Selecting a Mode*** ```js // import via npm module import { totalist } from 'totalist'; import { totalist } from 'totalist/sync'; ``` ***Example Usage*** ```js import { totalist } from 'totalist/sync'; const styles = new Set(); const scripts = new Set(); totalist('src', (name, abs, stats) => { if (/\.js$/.test(name)) { scripts.add(abs); if (stats.size >= 100e3) { console.warn(`[WARN] "${name}" might cause performance issues (${stats.size})`); } } else if (/\.css$/.test(name)) { styles.add(abs); } }); console.log([...scripts]); //=> [..., '/Users/lukeed/.../src/path/to/example.css', ...] ``` ## API ### totalist(dir, callback) Returns: `void` > **Important:** The "async" usage must be `await`ed or included within a Promise chain. #### dir Type: `string`
Required: `true` The directory to traverse. This may be a relative _or_ an absolute path. > **Note**: Node.js will assume a relative path is meant to be resolved from the current location (`process.cwd()`). #### callback Type: `Function`
Required: `true` The callback function to run for _every_ file. The function receives three parameters: ##### relPath Type: `String`
The path _relative to_ the initial `dir` value you provided. ##### absPath Type: `String`
The absolute path of the file. ##### stats Type: `fs.Stats`
The [`fs.Stats`](https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_class_fs_stats) object for the file. ## License MIT © [Luke Edwards](https://lukeed.com)