import { SvelteComponentTyped } from "svelte"; import type { TreeViewNode } from '../../index.js'; declare const __propDef: { props: { [x: string]: any; /** Enable tree-view selection.*/ selection?: boolean | undefined; /** Enable selection of multiple items.*/ multiple?: boolean | undefined; /** Enable relational checking.*/ relational?: boolean | undefined; /** Provide data-driven nodes.*/ nodes?: TreeViewNode[] | undefined; /** provides id's of expanded nodes*/ expandedNodes?: string[] | undefined; /** provides id's of disabled nodes*/ disabledNodes?: string[] | undefined; /** provides id's of checked nodes*/ checkedNodes?: string[] | undefined; /** provides id's of indeterminate nodes*/ indeterminateNodes?: string[] | undefined; /** Provide classes to set the tree width.*/ width?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set the vertical spacing between items.*/ spacing?: string | undefined; /** Set open by default on load.*/ open?: boolean | undefined; /** Set the tree disabled state*/ disabled?: boolean | undefined; /** Provide classes to set the tree item padding styles.*/ padding?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set the tree children indentation*/ indent?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set the tree item hover styles.*/ hover?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set the tree item rounded styles.*/ rounded?: string | undefined; /** Set the rotation of the item caret in the open state.*/ caretOpen?: string | undefined; /** Set the rotation of the item caret in the closed state.*/ caretClosed?: string | undefined; hyphenOpacity?: string | undefined; /** Provide arbitrary classes to the tree item summary region.*/ regionSummary?: string | undefined; /** Provide arbitrary classes to the symbol icon region.*/ regionSymbol?: string | undefined; /** Provide arbitrary classes to the children region.*/ regionChildren?: string | undefined; /** Provide the ARIA labelledby value.*/ labelledby?: string | undefined; }; events: { /** {{id:string}} click - Fires on tree item click*/ click: CustomEvent; /** {{id:string}} toggle - Fires on tree item toggle*/ toggle: CustomEvent; } & { [evt: string]: CustomEvent; }; slots: {}; }; export type RecursiveTreeViewProps = typeof __propDef.props; export type RecursiveTreeViewEvents = typeof; export type RecursiveTreeViewSlots = typeof __propDef.slots; export default class RecursiveTreeView extends SvelteComponentTyped { } export {};