import { SvelteComponentTyped } from "svelte"; import { fly, scale } from 'svelte/transition'; import { type Transition, type TransitionParams } from '../../index.js'; type FlyTransition = typeof fly; type ScaleTransition = typeof scale; declare class __sveltets_Render { props(): { [x: string]: any; /** Bind the input value.*/ input?: string | undefined; /** Set a unique select input name.*/ name: string; /** An array of values.*/ value?: any[] | undefined; /** Provide a whitelist of accepted values.*/ whitelist?: string[] | undefined; /** Maximum number of chips. Set -1 to disable.*/ max?: number | undefined; /** Set the minimum character length.*/ minlength?: number | undefined; /** Set the maximum character length.*/ maxlength?: number | undefined; /** When enabled, allows for uppercase values.*/ allowUpperCase?: boolean | undefined; /** When enabled, allows for duplicate values.*/ allowDuplicates?: boolean | undefined; /** Provide a custom validator function.*/ validation?: ((...args: any[]) => boolean) | undefined; /** The duration of the flip (first, last, invert, play) animation.*/ duration?: number | undefined; /** Set the required state for this input field.*/ required?: boolean | undefined; /** Provide classes or a variant to style the chips.*/ chips?: string | undefined; /** {{ event: Event, input: any }} invalid - Fires when the input value is invalid.*/ invalid?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set padding styles.*/ padding?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set border radius styles.*/ rounded?: string | undefined; /** Provide arbitrary classes to style the chip wrapper region.*/ regionChipWrapper?: string | undefined; /** Provide arbitrary classes to style the chip list region.*/ regionChipList?: string | undefined; /** Provide arbitrary classes to style the input field region.*/ regionInput?: string | undefined; /** Enable/Disable transitions*/ transitions?: boolean | undefined; /** Provide the transition used in list on entry.*/ listTransitionIn?: ListTransitionIn | undefined; /** Transition params provided to `ListTransitionIn`.*/ listTransitionInParams?: TransitionParams | undefined; /** Provide the transition used in list on exit.*/ listTransitionOut?: ListTransitionOut | undefined; /** Transition params provided to `ListTransitionOut`.*/ listTransitionOutParams?: TransitionParams | undefined; /** Provide the transition used in chip on entry.*/ chipTransitionIn?: ChipTransitionIn | undefined; /** Transition params provided to `ChipTransitionIn`.*/ chipTransitionInParams?: TransitionParams | undefined; /** Provide the transition used in chip on exit.*/ chipTransitionOut?: ChipTransitionOut | undefined; /** Transition params provided to `ChipTransitionOut`.*/ chipTransitionOutParams?: TransitionParams | undefined; }; events(): { input: Event; focus: FocusEvent; blur: FocusEvent; click: MouseEvent; keypress: KeyboardEvent; keydown: KeyboardEvent; keyup: KeyboardEvent; add: CustomEvent<{ event: SubmitEvent; chipIndex: number; chipValue: string; }>; remove: CustomEvent<{ event: MouseEvent; chipIndex: number; chipValue: string; }>; invalid: CustomEvent<{ event: SubmitEvent; input: string; }>; } & { [evt: string]: CustomEvent; }; slots(): {}; } export type InputChipProps = ReturnType<__sveltets_Render['props']>; export type InputChipEvents = ReturnType<__sveltets_Render['events']>; export type InputChipSlots = ReturnType<__sveltets_Render['slots']>; export default class InputChip extends SvelteComponentTyped, InputChipEvents, InputChipSlots> { } export {};