/** * @filedescription Object Schema Tests */ /* global it, describe, beforeEach */ "use strict"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Requirements //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const assert = require("chai").assert; const { ObjectSchema } = require("../src/"); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- describe("ObjectSchema", () => { let schema; describe("new ObjectSchema()", () => { it("should add a new key when a strategy is passed", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge() {}, validate() {} } }); assert.isTrue(schema.hasKey("foo")); }); it("should throw an error when a strategy is missing a merge() method", () => { assert.throws(() => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { validate() { } } }); }, /Definition for key "foo" must have a merge property/); }); it("should throw an error when a strategy is missing a merge() method", () => { assert.throws(() => { schema = new ObjectSchema(); }, /Schema definitions missing/); }); it("should throw an error when a strategy is missing a validate() method", () => { assert.throws(() => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge() { }, } }); }, /Definition for key "foo" must have a validate\(\) method/); }); it("should throw an error when merge is an invalid string", () => { assert.throws(() => { new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge: "bar", validate() { } } }); }, /key "foo" missing valid merge strategy/); }); it("should throw an error when validate is an invalid string", () => { assert.throws(() => { new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge: "assign", validate: "s" } }); }, /key "foo" missing valid validation strategy/); }); }); describe("merge()", () => { it("should throw an error when an unexpected key is found", () => { let schema = new ObjectSchema({}); assert.throws(() => { schema.merge({ foo: true }, { foo: true }); }, /Unexpected key "foo"/); }); it("should throw an error when merge() throws an error", () => { let schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge() { throw new Error("Boom!"); }, validate() {} } }); assert.throws(() => { schema.merge({ foo: true }, { foo: true }); }, /Key "foo": Boom!/); }); it("should throw an error when merge() throws an error with a readonly message", () => { let schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge() { throw { get message() { return "Boom!"; } }; }, validate() {} } }); assert.throws(() => { schema.merge({ foo: true }, { foo: true }); }, /Key "foo": Boom!/); }); it("should throw an error with custom properties when merge() throws an error with custom properties", () => { let schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge() { throw { get message() { return "Boom!"; }, booya: true }; }, validate() {} } }); let errorThrown = false; try { schema.merge({ foo: true }, { foo: true }); } catch (ex) { errorThrown = true; assert.isTrue(ex.booya); } assert.isTrue(errorThrown); }); it("should call the merge() strategy for one key when called", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge() { return "bar"; }, validate() {} } }); const result = schema.merge({ foo: true }, { foo: false }); assert.propertyVal(result, "foo", "bar"); }); it("should not call the merge() strategy when both objects don't contain the key", () => { let called = false; schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge() { called = true; }, validate() {} } }); schema.merge({}, {}); assert.isFalse(called, "The merge() strategy should not have been called."); }); it("should omit returning the key when the merge() strategy returns undefined", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge() { return undefined; }, validate() { } } }); const result = schema.merge({ foo: true }, { foo: false }); assert.notProperty(result, "foo"); }); it("should call the merge() strategy for two keys when called", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge() { return "bar"; }, validate() { } }, bar: { merge() { return "baz"; }, validate() {} } }); const result = schema.merge({ foo: true, bar: 1 }, { foo: true, bar: 2 }); assert.propertyVal(result, "foo", "bar"); assert.propertyVal(result, "bar", "baz"); }); it("should call the merge() strategy for two keys when called on three objects", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge() { return "bar"; }, validate() { } }, bar: { merge() { return "baz"; }, validate() { } } }); const result = schema.merge( { foo: true, bar: 1 }, { foo: true, bar: 3 }, { foo: false, bar: 2 } ); assert.propertyVal(result, "foo", "bar"); assert.propertyVal(result, "bar", "baz"); }); it("should call the merge() strategy when defined as 'overwrite'", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge: "overwrite", validate() { } } }); const result = schema.merge( { foo: true }, { foo: false } ); assert.propertyVal(result, "foo", false); }); it("should call the merge() strategy when defined as 'assign'", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge: "assign", validate() { } } }); const result = schema.merge( { foo: { bar: true } }, { foo: { baz: false } } ); assert.strictEqual(result.foo.bar, true); assert.strictEqual(result.foo.baz, false); }); it("should call the merge strategy when there's a subschema", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ name: { schema: { first: { merge: "replace", validate: "string" }, last: { merge: "replace", validate: "string" } } } }); const result = schema.merge({ name: { first: "n", last: "z" } }, { name: { first: "g" } }); assert.strictEqual(result.name.first, "g"); assert.strictEqual(result.name.last, "z"); }); it("should return separate objects when using subschema", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ age: { merge: "replace", validate: "number" }, address: { schema: { street: { schema: { number: { merge: "replace", validate: "number" }, streetName: { merge: "replace", validate: "string" } } }, state: { merge: "replace", validate: "string" } } } }); const baseObject = { address: { street: { number: 100, streetName: "Foo St" }, state: "HA" } }; const result = schema.merge(baseObject, { age: 29 }); assert.notStrictEqual(result.address.street, baseObject.address.street); assert.deepStrictEqual(result.address, baseObject.address); }); it("should not error when calling the merge strategy when there's a subschema and no matching key in second object", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ name: { schema: { first: { merge: "replace", validate: "string" }, last: { merge: "replace", validate: "string" } } } }); const result = schema.merge({ name: { first: "n", last: "z" } }, { }); assert.strictEqual(result.name.first, "n"); assert.strictEqual(result.name.last, "z"); }); it("should not error when calling the merge strategy when there's multiple subschemas and no matching key in second object", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ user: { schema: { name: { schema: { first: { merge: "replace", validate: "string" }, last: { merge: "replace", validate: "string" } } } } } }); const result = schema.merge({ user: { name: { first: "n", last: "z" } } }, { }); assert.strictEqual(result.user.name.first, "n"); assert.strictEqual(result.user.name.last, "z"); }); }); describe("validate()", () => { it("should throw an error when an unexpected key is found", () => { let schema = new ObjectSchema({}); assert.throws(() => { schema.validate({ foo: true }); }, /Unexpected key "foo"/); }); it("should not throw an error when an expected key is found", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge() { return "bar"; }, validate() {} } }); schema.validate({ foo: true }); }); it("should pass the property value into validate() when key is found", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge() { return "bar"; }, validate(value) { assert.isTrue(value); } } }); schema.validate({ foo: true }); }); it("should not throw an error when expected keys are found", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge() { return "bar"; }, validate() {} }, bar: { merge() { return "baz"; }, validate() {} } }); schema.validate({ foo: true, bar: true }); }); it("should not throw an error when expected keys are found with required keys", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge() { return "bar"; }, validate() { } }, bar: { requires: ["foo"], merge() { return "baz"; }, validate() { } } }); schema.validate({ foo: true, bar: true }); }); it("should throw an error when expected keys are found without required keys", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge() { return "bar"; }, validate() { } }, baz: { merge() { return "baz"; }, validate() { } }, bar: { name: "bar", requires: ["foo", "baz"], merge() { }, validate() { } } }); assert.throws(() => { schema.validate({ bar: true }); }, /Key "bar" requires keys "foo", "baz"./); }); it("should throw an error when an expected key is found but is invalid", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge() { return "bar"; }, validate() { throw new Error("Invalid key."); } } }); assert.throws(() => { schema.validate({ foo: true }); }, /Key "foo": Invalid key/); }); it("should throw an error when an expected key is found but is invalid with a string validator", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge() { return "bar"; }, validate: "string" } }); assert.throws(() => { schema.validate({ foo: true }); }, /Key "foo": Expected a string/); }); it("should throw an error when an expected key is found but is invalid with a number validator", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { merge() { return "bar"; }, validate: "number" } }); assert.throws(() => { schema.validate({ foo: true }); }, /Key "foo": Expected a number/); }); it("should throw an error when a required key is missing", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ foo: { required: true, merge() { return "bar"; }, validate() {} } }); assert.throws(() => { schema.validate({}); }, /Missing required key "foo"/); }); it("should throw an error when a subschema is provided and the value doesn't validate", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ name: { schema: { first: { merge: "replace", validate: "string" }, last: { merge: "replace", validate: "string" } } } }); assert.throws(() => { schema.validate({ name: { first: 123, last: "z" } }); }, /Key "name": Key "first": Expected a string/); }); it("should not throw an error when a subschema is provided and the value validates", () => { schema = new ObjectSchema({ name: { schema: { first: { merge: "replace", validate: "string" }, last: { merge: "replace", validate: "string" } } } }); schema.validate({ name: { first: "n", last: "z" } }); }); }); });