import {input, state} from "../traverser/base"; import {charCodes} from "../util/charcodes"; import {IS_IDENTIFIER_CHAR} from "../util/identifier"; import {finishToken} from "./index"; import {READ_WORD_TREE} from "./readWordTree"; import {TokenType as tt} from "./types"; /** * Read an identifier, producing either a name token or matching on one of the existing keywords. * For performance, we pre-generate big decision tree that we traverse. Each node represents a * prefix and has 27 values, where the first value is the token or contextual token, if any (-1 if * not), and the other 26 values are the transitions to other nodes, or -1 to stop. */ export default function readWord() { let treePos = 0; let code = 0; let pos = state.pos; while (pos < input.length) { code = input.charCodeAt(pos); if (code < charCodes.lowercaseA || code > charCodes.lowercaseZ) { break; } const next = READ_WORD_TREE[treePos + (code - charCodes.lowercaseA) + 1]; if (next === -1) { break; } else { treePos = next; pos++; } } const keywordValue = READ_WORD_TREE[treePos]; if (keywordValue > -1 && !IS_IDENTIFIER_CHAR[code]) { state.pos = pos; if (keywordValue & 1) { finishToken(keywordValue >>> 1); } else { finishToken(, keywordValue >>> 1); } return; } while (pos < input.length) { const ch = input.charCodeAt(pos); if (IS_IDENTIFIER_CHAR[ch]) { pos++; } else if (ch === charCodes.backslash) { // \u pos += 2; if (input.charCodeAt(pos) === charCodes.leftCurlyBrace) { while (pos < input.length && input.charCodeAt(pos) !== charCodes.rightCurlyBrace) { pos++; } pos++; } } else if (ch === charCodes.atSign && input.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === charCodes.atSign) { pos += 2; } else { break; } } state.pos = pos; finishToken(; }