const isWin = process.platform === 'win32'; const SEP = isWin ? `\\\\+` : `\\/`; const SEP_ESC = isWin ? `\\\\` : `/`; const GLOBSTAR = `((?:[^/]*(?:/|$))*)`; const WILDCARD = `([^/]*)`; const GLOBSTAR_SEGMENT = `((?:[^${SEP_ESC}]*(?:${SEP_ESC}|$))*)`; const WILDCARD_SEGMENT = `([^${SEP_ESC}]*)`; /** * Convert any glob pattern to a JavaScript Regexp object * @param {String} glob Glob pattern to convert * @param {Object} opts Configuration object * @param {Boolean} [opts.extended=false] Support advanced ext globbing * @param {Boolean} [opts.globstar=false] Support globstar * @param {Boolean} [opts.strict=true] be laissez faire about mutiple slashes * @param {Boolean} [opts.filepath=''] Parse as filepath for extra path related features * @param {String} [opts.flags=''] RegExp globs * @returns {Object} converted object with string, segments and RegExp object */ function globrex(glob, {extended = false, globstar = false, strict = false, filepath = false, flags = ''} = {}) { let regex = ''; let segment = ''; let path = { regex: '', segments: [] }; // If we are doing extended matching, this boolean is true when we are inside // a group (eg {*.html,*.js}), and false otherwise. let inGroup = false; let inRange = false; // extglob stack. Keep track of scope const ext = []; // Helper function to build string and segments function add(str, {split, last, only}={}) { if (only !== 'path') regex += str; if (filepath && only !== 'regex') { path.regex += (str === '\\/' ? SEP : str); if (split) { if (last) segment += str; if (segment !== '') { if (!flags.includes('g')) segment = `^${segment}$`; // change it 'includes' path.segments.push(new RegExp(segment, flags)); } segment = ''; } else { segment += str; } } } let c, n; for (let i = 0; i < glob.length; i++) { c = glob[i]; n = glob[i + 1]; if (['\\', '$', '^', '.', '='].includes(c)) { add(`\\${c}`); continue; } if (c === '/') { add(`\\${c}`, {split: true}); if (n === '/' && !strict) regex += '?'; continue; } if (c === '(') { if (ext.length) { add(c); continue; } add(`\\${c}`); continue; } if (c === ')') { if (ext.length) { add(c); let type = ext.pop(); if (type === '@') { add('{1}'); } else if (type === '!') { add('([^\/]*)'); } else { add(type); } continue; } add(`\\${c}`); continue; } if (c === '|') { if (ext.length) { add(c); continue; } add(`\\${c}`); continue; } if (c === '+') { if (n === '(' && extended) { ext.push(c); continue; } add(`\\${c}`); continue; } if (c === '@' && extended) { if (n === '(') { ext.push(c); continue; } } if (c === '!') { if (extended) { if (inRange) { add('^'); continue } if (n === '(') { ext.push(c); add('(?!'); i++; continue; } add(`\\${c}`); continue; } add(`\\${c}`); continue; } if (c === '?') { if (extended) { if (n === '(') { ext.push(c); } else { add('.'); } continue; } add(`\\${c}`); continue; } if (c === '[') { if (inRange && n === ':') { i++; // skip [ let value = ''; while(glob[++i] !== ':') value += glob[i]; if (value === 'alnum') add('(\\w|\\d)'); else if (value === 'space') add('\\s'); else if (value === 'digit') add('\\d'); i++; // skip last ] continue; } if (extended) { inRange = true; add(c); continue; } add(`\\${c}`); continue; } if (c === ']') { if (extended) { inRange = false; add(c); continue; } add(`\\${c}`); continue; } if (c === '{') { if (extended) { inGroup = true; add('('); continue; } add(`\\${c}`); continue; } if (c === '}') { if (extended) { inGroup = false; add(')'); continue; } add(`\\${c}`); continue; } if (c === ',') { if (inGroup) { add('|'); continue; } add(`\\${c}`); continue; } if (c === '*') { if (n === '(' && extended) { ext.push(c); continue; } // Move over all consecutive "*"'s. // Also store the previous and next characters let prevChar = glob[i - 1]; let starCount = 1; while (glob[i + 1] === '*') { starCount++; i++; } let nextChar = glob[i + 1]; if (!globstar) { // globstar is disabled, so treat any number of "*" as one add('.*'); } else { // globstar is enabled, so determine if this is a globstar segment let isGlobstar = starCount > 1 && // multiple "*"'s (prevChar === '/' || prevChar === undefined) && // from the start of the segment (nextChar === '/' || nextChar === undefined); // to the end of the segment if (isGlobstar) { // it's a globstar, so match zero or more path segments add(GLOBSTAR, {only:'regex'}); add(GLOBSTAR_SEGMENT, {only:'path', last:true, split:true}); i++; // move over the "/" } else { // it's not a globstar, so only match one path segment add(WILDCARD, {only:'regex'}); add(WILDCARD_SEGMENT, {only:'path'}); } } continue; } add(c); } // When regexp 'g' flag is specified don't // constrain the regular expression with ^ & $ if (!flags.includes('g')) { regex = `^${regex}$`; segment = `^${segment}$`; if (filepath) path.regex = `^${path.regex}$`; } const result = {regex: new RegExp(regex, flags)}; // Push the last segment if (filepath) { path.segments.push(new RegExp(segment, flags)); path.regex = new RegExp(path.regex, flags); path.globstar = new RegExp(!flags.includes('g') ? `^${GLOBSTAR_SEGMENT}$` : GLOBSTAR_SEGMENT, flags); result.path = path; } return result; } module.exports = globrex;