import { SvelteComponentTyped } from "svelte"; import { fly } from 'svelte/transition'; import { type Transition, type TransitionParams } from '../../index.js'; type FlyTransition = typeof fly; declare class __sveltets_Render { props(): { [x: string]: any; /** Set the toast position.*/ position?: "b" | "br" | "tr" | "t" | "l" | "r" | "tl" | "bl" | undefined; /** Maximum toasts that can show at once.*/ max?: number | undefined; /** Provide classes to set the background color.*/ background?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set width styles.*/ width?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set the text color.*/ color?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set the padding.*/ padding?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set toast horizontal spacing.*/ spacing?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set the border radius styles.*/ rounded?: string | undefined; /** Provide classes to set the border box shadow.*/ shadow?: string | undefined; /** Provide a class to override the z-index*/ zIndex?: string | undefined; /** Provide styles for the action button.*/ buttonAction?: string | undefined; /** Provide styles for the dismiss button.*/ buttonDismiss?: string | undefined; /** The button label text.*/ buttonDismissLabel?: string | undefined; /** Enable/Disable transitions*/ transitions?: boolean | undefined; /** Provide the transition to used on entry.*/ transitionIn?: TransitionIn | undefined; /** Transition params provided to `transitionIn`.*/ transitionInParams?: TransitionParams | undefined; /** Provide the transition to used on exit.*/ transitionOut?: TransitionOut | undefined; /** Transition params provided to `transitionOut`.*/ transitionOutParams?: TransitionParams | undefined; }; events(): {} & { [evt: string]: CustomEvent; }; slots(): {}; } export type ToastProps = ReturnType<__sveltets_Render['props']>; export type ToastEvents = ReturnType<__sveltets_Render['events']>; export type ToastSlots = ReturnType<__sveltets_Render['slots']>; export default class Toast extends SvelteComponentTyped, ToastEvents, ToastSlots> { } export {};