You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

523 lines
21 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.extractElementTags = exports.convertChildren = void 0;
const block_1 = require("./block");
const common_1 = require("./common");
const mustache_1 = require("./mustache");
const text_1 = require("./text");
const attr_1 = require("./attr");
const const_1 = require("./const");
const sort_1 = require("../sort");
const __1 = require("../..");
/* eslint-disable complexity -- X */
/** Convert for Fragment or Element or ... */
function* convertChildren(
/* eslint-enable complexity -- X */
fragment, parent, ctx) {
for (const child of fragment.children) {
if (child.type === "Comment") {
yield convertComment(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "Text") {
if (! && child.start === child.end) {
yield (0, text_1.convertText)(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "Element") {
if (":")) {
yield convertSpecialElement(child, parent, ctx);
else {
yield convertHTMLElement(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "InlineComponent") {
if (":")) {
yield convertSpecialElement(child, parent, ctx);
else {
yield convertComponentElement(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "Slot") {
yield convertSlotElement(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "MustacheTag") {
yield (0, mustache_1.convertMustacheTag)(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "RawMustacheTag") {
yield (0, mustache_1.convertRawMustacheTag)(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "IfBlock") {
// {#if expr} {/if}
yield (0, block_1.convertIfBlock)(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "EachBlock") {
// {#each expr as item, index (key)} {/each}
yield (0, block_1.convertEachBlock)(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "AwaitBlock") {
// {#await promise} {:then number} {:catch error} {/await}
yield (0, block_1.convertAwaitBlock)(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "KeyBlock") {
// {#key expression}...{/key}
yield (0, block_1.convertKeyBlock)(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "Window") {
yield convertWindowElement(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "Body") {
yield convertBodyElement(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "Head") {
yield convertHeadElement(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "Title") {
yield convertTitleElement(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "Options") {
yield convertOptionsElement(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "SlotTemplate") {
yield convertSlotTemplateElement(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "DebugTag") {
yield (0, mustache_1.convertDebugTag)(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "ConstTag") {
yield (0, const_1.convertConstTag)(child, parent, ctx);
if (child.type === "Document") {
yield convertDocumentElement(child, parent, ctx);
throw new Error(`Unknown type:${child.type}`);
exports.convertChildren = convertChildren;
/** Extract `let:` directives. */
function extractLetDirectives(fragment) {
const letDirectives = [];
const attributes = [];
for (const attr of fragment.attributes) {
if (attr.type === "Let") {
else {
return { letDirectives, attributes };
/** Check if children needs a scope. */
function needScopeByChildren(fragment) {
for (const child of fragment.children) {
if (child.type === "ConstTag") {
return true;
return false;
/** Convert for HTML Comment */
function convertComment(node, parent, ctx) {
const comment = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteHTMLComment", value:, parent }, ctx.getConvertLocation(node));
ctx.addToken("HTMLComment", node);
return comment;
/** Convert for HTMLElement */
function convertHTMLElement(node, parent, ctx) {
var _a, _b;
const locs = ctx.getConvertLocation(node);
const element = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteElement", kind: "html", name: null, startTag: {
type: "SvelteStartTag",
attributes: [],
selfClosing: false,
parent: null,
range: [locs.range[0], null],
loc: {
start: {
line: locs.loc.start.line,
column: locs.loc.start.column,
end: null,
}, children: [], endTag: null, parent }, locs);
ctx.elements.set(element, node);
element.startTag.parent = element;
const elementName =;
const { letDirectives, attributes } = extractLetDirectives(node);
const letParams = [];
if (letDirectives.length) {
element.startTag.attributes.push(...(0, attr_1.convertAttributes)(letDirectives, element.startTag, ctx));
if (!letParams.length && !needScopeByChildren(node)) {
element.startTag.attributes.push(...(0, attr_1.convertAttributes)(attributes, element.startTag, ctx));
element.children.push(...convertChildren(node, element, ctx));
else {
ctx.scriptLet.nestBlock(element, letParams);
element.startTag.attributes.push(...(0, attr_1.convertAttributes)(attributes, element.startTag, ctx));
(0, sort_1.sortNodes)(element.startTag.attributes);
element.children.push(...convertChildren(node, element, ctx));
extractElementTags(element, ctx, {
buildNameNode: (openTokenRange) => {
ctx.addToken("HTMLIdentifier", openTokenRange);
const name = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteName", name: elementName, parent: element }, ctx.getConvertLocation(openTokenRange));
return name;
if ( === "script" || === "style" ||
( === "template" && ctx.findBlock(element))) {
// Restore the block-like element.
for (const child of element.children) {
if (child.type === "SvelteText") {
child.value = ctx.code.slice(...child.range);
if ( === "script") {
ctx.stripScriptCode(element.startTag.range[1], (_b = (_a = element.endTag) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.range[0]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : element.range[1]);
if (element.startTag.selfClosing &&"-")) {
// Restore the self-closing block.
const selfClosingBlock = /^[a-z]-+$/iu.test( &&
if (selfClosingBlock) { = selfClosingBlock.originalTag;
return element;
/** Convert for Special element. e.g. <svelte:self> */
function convertSpecialElement(node, parent, ctx) {
const locs = ctx.getConvertLocation(node);
const element = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteElement", kind: "special", name: null, startTag: {
type: "SvelteStartTag",
attributes: [],
selfClosing: false,
parent: null,
range: [locs.range[0], null],
loc: {
start: {
line: locs.loc.start.line,
column: locs.loc.start.column,
end: null,
}, children: [], endTag: null, parent }, locs);
ctx.elements.set(element, node);
element.startTag.parent = element;
const elementName =;
const { letDirectives, attributes } = extractLetDirectives(node);
const letParams = [];
if (letDirectives.length) {
element.startTag.attributes.push(...(0, attr_1.convertAttributes)(letDirectives, element.startTag, ctx));
if (!letParams.length && !needScopeByChildren(node)) {
element.startTag.attributes.push(...(0, attr_1.convertAttributes)(attributes, element.startTag, ctx));
element.children.push(...convertChildren(node, element, ctx));
else {
ctx.scriptLet.nestBlock(element, letParams);
element.startTag.attributes.push(...(0, attr_1.convertAttributes)(attributes, element.startTag, ctx));
(0, sort_1.sortNodes)(element.startTag.attributes);
element.children.push(...convertChildren(node, element, ctx));
const thisExpression = (node.type === "InlineComponent" &&
elementName === "svelte:component" &&
node.expression) ||
(node.type === "Element" && elementName === "svelte:element" && node.tag);
if (thisExpression) {
processThisAttribute(node, thisExpression, element, ctx);
extractElementTags(element, ctx, {
buildNameNode: (openTokenRange) => {
ctx.addToken("HTMLIdentifier", openTokenRange);
const name = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteName", name: elementName, parent: element }, ctx.getConvertLocation(openTokenRange));
return name;
return element;
/** process `this=` */
function processThisAttribute(node, thisValue, element, ctx) {
let thisNode;
if (typeof thisValue === "string") {
// this="..."
const startIndex = findStartIndexOfThis(node, ctx);
const eqIndex = ctx.code.indexOf("=", startIndex + 4 /* t,h,i,s */);
const valueStartIndex = (0, common_1.indexOf)(ctx.code, (c) => Boolean(c.trim()), eqIndex + 1);
const quote = ctx.code.startsWith(thisValue, valueStartIndex)
? null
: ctx.code[valueStartIndex];
const literalStartIndex = quote
? valueStartIndex + quote.length
: valueStartIndex;
const literalEndIndex = literalStartIndex + thisValue.length;
const endIndex = quote ? literalEndIndex + quote.length : literalEndIndex;
const thisAttr = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteAttribute", key: null, boolean: false, value: [], parent: element.startTag }, ctx.getConvertLocation({ start: startIndex, end: endIndex }));
thisAttr.key = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteName", name: "this", parent: thisAttr }, ctx.getConvertLocation({ start: startIndex, end: eqIndex }));
thisAttr.value.push(Object.assign({ type: "SvelteLiteral", value: thisValue, parent: thisAttr }, ctx.getConvertLocation({
start: literalStartIndex,
end: literalEndIndex,
// this
ctx.addToken("HTMLIdentifier", {
start: startIndex,
end: startIndex + 4,
// =
ctx.addToken("Punctuator", {
start: eqIndex,
end: eqIndex + 1,
if (quote) {
// "
ctx.addToken("Punctuator", {
start: valueStartIndex,
end: literalStartIndex,
ctx.addToken("HTMLText", {
start: literalStartIndex,
end: literalEndIndex,
if (quote) {
// "
ctx.addToken("Punctuator", {
start: literalEndIndex,
end: endIndex,
thisNode = thisAttr;
else {
// this={...}
const eqIndex = ctx.code.lastIndexOf("=", (0, common_1.getWithLoc)(thisValue).start);
const startIndex = ctx.code.lastIndexOf("this", eqIndex);
const closeIndex = ctx.code.indexOf("}", (0, common_1.getWithLoc)(thisValue).end);
const endIndex = (0, common_1.indexOf)(ctx.code, (c) => c === ">" || !c.trim(), closeIndex);
const thisDir = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteSpecialDirective", kind: "this", key: null, expression: null, parent: element.startTag }, ctx.getConvertLocation({ start: startIndex, end: endIndex }));
thisDir.key = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteSpecialDirectiveKey", parent: thisDir }, ctx.getConvertLocation({ start: startIndex, end: eqIndex }));
// this
ctx.addToken("HTMLIdentifier", {
start: startIndex,
end: startIndex + 4,
// =
ctx.addToken("Punctuator", {
start: eqIndex,
end: eqIndex + 1,
ctx.scriptLet.addExpression(thisValue, thisDir, null, (es) => {
thisDir.expression = es;
thisNode = thisDir;
const targetIndex = element.startTag.attributes.findIndex((attr) => thisNode.range[1] <= attr.range[0]);
if (targetIndex === -1) {
else {
element.startTag.attributes.splice(targetIndex, 0, thisNode);
/** Find the start index of `this` */
function findStartIndexOfThis(node, ctx) {
var _a, _b, _d, _e;
// Get the end index of `svelte:element`
const startIndex = ctx.code.indexOf(, node.start) +;
const sortedAttrs = [...node.attributes].sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start);
// Find the start index of `this` from the end index of `svelte:element`.
// However, it only seeks to the start index of the first attribute (or the end index of element node).
let thisIndex = (0, common_1.indexOf)(ctx.code, (_c, index) => ctx.code.startsWith("this", index), startIndex, (_b = (_a = sortedAttrs[0]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.start) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : node.end);
while (thisIndex < 0) {
if (sortedAttrs.length === 0)
throw new __1.ParseError("Cannot resolved `this` attribute.", thisIndex, ctx);
// Step3: Find the start index of `this` from the end index of attribute.
// However, it only seeks to the start index of the first attribute (or the end index of element node).
const nextStartIndex = sortedAttrs.shift().end;
thisIndex = (0, common_1.indexOf)(ctx.code, (_c, index) => ctx.code.startsWith("this", index), nextStartIndex, (_e = (_d = sortedAttrs[0]) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.start) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : node.end);
return thisIndex;
/** Convert for ComponentElement */
function convertComponentElement(node, parent, ctx) {
const locs = ctx.getConvertLocation(node);
const element = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteElement", kind: "component", name: null, startTag: {
type: "SvelteStartTag",
attributes: [],
selfClosing: false,
parent: null,
range: [locs.range[0], null],
loc: {
start: {
line: locs.loc.start.line,
column: locs.loc.start.column,
end: null,
}, children: [], endTag: null, parent }, locs);
ctx.elements.set(element, node);
element.startTag.parent = element;
const elementName =;
const { letDirectives, attributes } = extractLetDirectives(node);
const letParams = [];
if (letDirectives.length) {
element.startTag.attributes.push(...(0, attr_1.convertAttributes)(letDirectives, element.startTag, ctx));
if (!letParams.length && !needScopeByChildren(node)) {
element.startTag.attributes.push(...(0, attr_1.convertAttributes)(attributes, element.startTag, ctx));
element.children.push(...convertChildren(node, element, ctx));
else {
ctx.scriptLet.nestBlock(element, letParams);
element.startTag.attributes.push(...(0, attr_1.convertAttributes)(attributes, element.startTag, ctx));
(0, sort_1.sortNodes)(element.startTag.attributes);
element.children.push(...convertChildren(node, element, ctx));
extractElementTags(element, ctx, {
buildNameNode: (openTokenRange) => {
const chains = elementName.split(".");
const id = chains.shift();
const idRange = {
start: openTokenRange.start,
end: openTokenRange.start + id.length,
// ctx.addToken("Identifier", idRange)
const identifier = Object.assign({ type: "Identifier", name: id,
// @ts-expect-error -- ignore
parent: element }, ctx.getConvertLocation(idRange));
let object = identifier;
// eslint-disable-next-line func-style -- var
let esCallback = (es) => { = es;
let start = idRange.end + 1;
for (const name of chains) {
const range = { start, end: start + name.length };
ctx.addToken("HTMLIdentifier", range);
const mem = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteMemberExpressionName", object, property: Object.assign({ type: "SvelteName", name, parent: null }, ctx.getConvertLocation(range)), parent: element }, ctx.getConvertLocation({
start: openTokenRange.start,
end: range.end,
})); = mem;
object.parent = mem;
object = mem;
start = range.end + 1;
if (mem.object === identifier) {
esCallback = (es) => {
mem.object = es;
ctx.scriptLet.addExpression(identifier, identifier.parent, null, esCallback);
return object;
return element;
/** Convert for Slot */
function convertSlotElement(node, parent, ctx) {
// Slot translates to SvelteHTMLElement.
const element = convertHTMLElement(node, parent, ctx);
return element;
/** Convert for window element. e.g. <svelte:window> */
function convertWindowElement(node, parent, ctx) {
return convertSpecialElement(node, parent, ctx);
/** Convert for document element. e.g. <svelte:document> */
function convertDocumentElement(node, parent, ctx) {
return convertSpecialElement(node, parent, ctx);
/** Convert for body element. e.g. <svelte:body> */
function convertBodyElement(node, parent, ctx) {
return convertSpecialElement(node, parent, ctx);
/** Convert for head element. e.g. <svelte:head> */
function convertHeadElement(node, parent, ctx) {
return convertSpecialElement(node, parent, ctx);
/** Convert for title element. e.g. <title> */
function convertTitleElement(node, parent, ctx) {
return convertHTMLElement(node, parent, ctx);
/** Convert for options element. e.g. <svelte:options> */
function convertOptionsElement(node, parent, ctx) {
return convertSpecialElement(node, parent, ctx);
/** Convert for <svelte:fragment> element. */
function convertSlotTemplateElement(node, parent, ctx) {
return convertSpecialElement(node, parent, ctx);
/** Extract element tag and tokens */
function extractElementTags(element, ctx, options) {
var _a, _b;
const startTagNameEnd = (0, common_1.indexOf)(ctx.code, (c) => c === "/" || c === ">" || !c.trim(), element.range[0] + 1);
const openTokenRange = {
start: element.range[0] + 1,
end: startTagNameEnd,
}; = options.buildNameNode(openTokenRange);
const startTagEnd = ctx.code.indexOf(">", (_b = (_a = element.startTag.attributes[element.startTag.attributes.length - 1]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.range[1]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : openTokenRange.end) + 1;
element.startTag.range[1] = startTagEnd;
element.startTag.loc.end = ctx.getLocFromIndex(startTagEnd);
if (ctx.code[element.range[1] - 1] !== ">") {
// Have not end tag
if (ctx.code[element.range[1] - 2] === "/") {
// self close
element.startTag.selfClosing = true;
const endTagOpen = ctx.code.lastIndexOf("<", element.range[1] - 1);
if (endTagOpen <= startTagEnd - 1) {
// void element
const endTagNameStart = endTagOpen + 2;
const endTagNameEnd = (0, common_1.indexOf)(ctx.code, (c) => c === ">" || !c.trim(), endTagNameStart);
const endTagClose = ctx.code.indexOf(">", endTagNameEnd);
element.endTag = Object.assign({ type: "SvelteEndTag", parent: element }, ctx.getConvertLocation({ start: endTagOpen, end: endTagClose + 1 }));
ctx.addToken("HTMLIdentifier", {
start: endTagNameStart,
end: endTagNameEnd,
exports.extractElementTags = extractElementTags;