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var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
export function dequal(foo, bar) {
var ctor, len;
if (foo === bar) return true;
if (foo && bar && (ctor=foo.constructor) === bar.constructor) {
if (ctor === Date) return foo.getTime() === bar.getTime();
if (ctor === RegExp) return foo.toString() === bar.toString();
if (ctor === Array) {
if ((len=foo.length) === bar.length) {
while (len-- && dequal(foo[len], bar[len]));
return len === -1;
if (!ctor || typeof foo === 'object') {
len = 0;
for (ctor in foo) {
if (, ctor) && ++len && !, ctor)) return false;
if (!(ctor in bar) || !dequal(foo[ctor], bar[ctor])) return false;
return Object.keys(bar).length === len;
return foo !== foo && bar !== bar;