You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { SvelteComponentTyped } from "svelte";
/** @slot header - Insert fixed header content, such as Skeleton's App Bar component.
* @slot sidebarLeft - Hidden when empty. Allows you to set fixed left sidebar content.
* @slot sidebarRight - Hidden when empty. Allows you to set fixed right sidebar content.
* @slot pageHeader - Insert content that resides above your page content. Great for global alerts.
* @slot pageFooter - Insert content that resides below your page content. Recommended for most layouts.
* @slot footer - Insert fixed footer content. Not recommended for most layouts.
import type { SvelteEvent } from '../../index.js';
declare const __propDef: {
props: {
[x: string]: any;
/** Set `scrollbar-gutter` style.*/
scrollbarGutter?: string | undefined;
/** Apply arbitrary classes to the entire `#page` region.*/
regionPage?: string | undefined;
/** Apply arbitrary classes to the `header` slot container element*/
slotHeader?: string | undefined;
/** Apply arbitrary classes to the `sidebarLeft` slot container element*/
slotSidebarLeft?: string | undefined;
/** Apply arbitrary classes to the `sidebarRight` slot container element*/
slotSidebarRight?: string | undefined;
/** Apply arbitrary classes to the `pageHeader` slot container element*/
slotPageHeader?: string | undefined;
/** Apply arbitrary classes to the `pageContent` slot container element*/
slotPageContent?: string | undefined;
/** Apply arbitrary classes to the `pageFooter` slot container element*/
slotPageFooter?: string | undefined;
/** Apply arbitrary classes to the `footer` slot container element*/
slotFooter?: string | undefined;
events: {
scroll: SvelteEvent<UIEvent, HTMLDivElement>;
slots: {
header: {};
sidebarLeft: {};
pageHeader: {};
default: {};
pageFooter: {};
sidebarRight: {};
footer: {};
export type AppShellProps = typeof __propDef.props;
export type AppShellEvents = typeof;
export type AppShellSlots = typeof __propDef.slots;
export default class AppShell extends SvelteComponentTyped<AppShellProps, AppShellEvents, AppShellSlots> {
export {};