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{"version":3,"file":"sander.es6.js","sources":["../src/sander.js","../src/extraMethods/symlinkOrCopy.js","../src/extraMethods/rimraf.js","../src/extraMethods/lsr.js","../src/extraMethods/copyFile.js","../src/extraMethods/copydir.js","../src/specialMethods/writeFile-appendFile.js","../src/specialMethods/symlink.js","../src/specialMethods/open.js","../src/specialMethods/mkdir.js","../src/specialMethods/link-rename.js","../src/specialMethods/exists.js","../src/specialMethods/createReadStream-createWriteStream.js","../src/utils/resolvePathAndOptions.js","../src/methodMakers/fileDescriptorMethod.js","../src/methodMakers/standardMethod.js","../src/utils/resolvePath.js"],"sourcesContent":["import * as fs from 'graceful-fs';\nimport * as es6Promise from 'es6-promise';\nimport { syncMethod, asyncMethod } from './methodMakers/standardMethod';\nimport { asyncFileDescriptorMethod } from './methodMakers/fileDescriptorMethod';\n\n// standard async methods\nexport const chmod = asyncMethod( 'chmod' );\nexport const chown = asyncMethod( 'chown' );\nexport const createReadStream = asyncMethod( 'createReadStream' );\nexport const createWriteStream = asyncMethod( 'createWriteStream' );\nexport const lchmod = asyncMethod( 'lchmod' );\nexport const lchown = asyncMethod( 'lchown' );\nexport const lstat = asyncMethod( 'lstat' );\nexport const readdir = asyncMethod( 'readdir' );\nexport const readFile = asyncMethod( 'readFile' );\nexport const readlink = asyncMethod( 'readlink' );\nexport const realpath = asyncMethod( 'realpath' );\nexport const rmdir = asyncMethod( 'rmdir' );\nexport const stat = asyncMethod( 'stat' );\nexport const truncate = asyncMethod( 'truncate' );\nexport const unlink = asyncMethod( 'unlink' );\nexport const utimes = asyncMethod( 'utimes' );\nexport const unwatchFile = asyncMethod( 'unwatchFile' );\nexport const watch = asyncMethod( 'watch' );\nexport const watchFile = asyncMethod( 'watchFile' );\n\n// standard sync methods\nexport const chmodSync = syncMethod( 'chmodSync' );\nexport const chownSync = syncMethod( 'chownSync' );\nexport const lchmodSync = syncMethod( 'lchmodSync' );\nexport const lchownSync = syncMethod( 'lchownSync' );\nexport const lstatSync = syncMethod( 'lstatSync' );\nexport const readdirSync = syncMethod( 'readdirSync' );\nexport const readFileSync = syncMethod( 'readFileSync' );\nexport const readlinkSync = syncMethod( 'readlinkSync' );\nexport const realpathSync = syncMethod( 'realpathSync' );\nexport const rmdirSync = syncMethod( 'rmdirSync' );\nexport const statSync = syncMethod( 'statSync' );\nexport const truncateSync = syncMethod( 'truncateSync' );\nexport const unlinkSync = syncMethod( 'unlinkSync' );\nexport const utimesSync = syncMethod( 'utimesSync' );\n\n// file descriptor async methods\nexport const close = asyncFileDescriptorMethod( 'close' );\nexport const fchmod = asyncFileDescriptorMethod( 'fchmod' );\nexport const fchown = asyncFileDescriptorMethod( 'fchown' );\nexport const fstat = asyncFileDescriptorMethod( 'fstat' );\nexport const fsync = asyncFileDescriptorMethod( 'fsync' );\nexport const ftruncate = asyncFileDescriptorMethod( 'ftruncate' );\nexport const futimes = asyncFileDescriptorMethod( 'futimes' );\nexport const read = asyncFileDescriptorMethod( 'read' );\n\n// file descriptor sync methods\nexport const closeSync = fs.closeSync;\nexport const fchmodSync = fs.fchmodSync;\nexport const fchownSync = fs.fchownSync;\nexport const fstatSync = fs.fstatSync;\nexport const fsyncSync = fs.fsyncSync;\nexport const ftruncateSync = fs.ftruncateSync;\nexport const futimesSync = fs.futimesSync;\nexport const readSync = fs.readSync;\n\n// special methods\nexport { createReadStream, createWriteStream } from './specialMethods/createReadStream-createWriteStream'; // TODO aren't these covered by the standard methods?\nexport { exists, existsSync } from './specialMethods/exists';\nexport { link, linkSync, rename, renameSync } from './specialMethods/link-rename';\nexport { mkdir, mkdirSync } from './specialMethods/mkdir';\nexport { open, openSync } from './specialMethods/open';\nexport { syml