You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2165 lines
83 KiB

'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var prettier = require('prettier');
// @see
const selfClosingTags = [
const blockElements = [
* HTML attributes that we may safely reformat (trim whitespace, add or remove newlines)
const formattableAttributes = [
// None at the moment
// Prettier HTML does not format attributes at all
// and to be consistent we leave this array empty for now
function extractAttributes(html) {
const extractAttributesRegex = /<[a-z]+[\s\n]*([\s\S]*?)>/im;
const attributeRegex = /([^\s=]+)(?:=(?:(?:("|')([\s\S]*?)\2)|(?:(\S+?)(?:\s|>|$))))?/gim;
const [, attributesString] = html.match(extractAttributesRegex);
const attrs = [];
let match;
while ((match = attributeRegex.exec(attributesString))) {
const [all, name, quotes, valueQuoted, valueUnquoted] = match;
const value = valueQuoted || valueUnquoted;
const attrStart = match.index;
let valueNode;
if (!value) {
valueNode = true;
else {
let valueStart = attrStart + name.length;
if (quotes) {
valueStart += 2;
valueNode = [
type: 'Text',
data: value,
start: valueStart,
end: valueStart + value.length,
type: 'Attribute',
value: valueNode,
start: attrStart,
end: attrStart + all.length,
return attrs;
const snippedTagContentAttribute = '✂prettier:content✂';
function snipScriptAndStyleTagContent(source) {
let scriptMatchSpans = getMatchIndexes('script');
let styleMatchSpans = getMatchIndexes('style');
return snipTagContent(snipTagContent(source, 'script', '{}', styleMatchSpans), 'style', '', scriptMatchSpans);
function getMatchIndexes(tagName) {
const regex = getRegexp(tagName);
const indexes = [];
let match = null;
while ((match = regex.exec(source)) != null) {
if (source.slice(match.index, match.index + 4) !== '<!--') {
indexes.push([match.index, regex.lastIndex]);
return indexes;
function snipTagContent(_source, tagName, placeholder, otherSpans) {
const regex = getRegexp(tagName);
let newScriptMatchSpans = scriptMatchSpans;
let newStyleMatchSpans = styleMatchSpans;
// Replace valid matches
const newSource = _source.replace(regex, (match, attributes, content, index) => {
if (match.startsWith('<!--') || withinOtherSpan(index)) {
return match;
const encodedContent = Buffer.from(content).toString('base64');
const newContent = `<${tagName}${attributes} ${snippedTagContentAttribute}="${encodedContent}">${placeholder}</${tagName}>`;
// Adjust the spans because the source now has a different content length
const lengthDiff = match.length - newContent.length;
newScriptMatchSpans = adjustSpans(scriptMatchSpans, newScriptMatchSpans);
newStyleMatchSpans = adjustSpans(styleMatchSpans, newStyleMatchSpans);
function adjustSpans(oldSpans, newSpans) {
return, idx) => {
const newSpan = newSpans[idx];
// Do the check using the old spans because the replace function works
// on the old spans. Replace oldSpans with newSpans afterwards.
if (oldSpan[0] > index) {
// span is after the match -> adjust start and end
return [newSpan[0] - lengthDiff, newSpan[1] - lengthDiff];
else if (oldSpan[0] === index) {
// span is the match -> adjust end only
return [newSpan[0], newSpan[1] - lengthDiff];
else {
// span is before the match -> nothing to adjust
return newSpan;
return newContent;
// Now that the replacement function ran, we can adjust the spans for the next run
scriptMatchSpans = newScriptMatchSpans;
styleMatchSpans = newStyleMatchSpans;
return newSource;
function withinOtherSpan(idx) {
return otherSpans.some((otherSpan) => idx > otherSpan[0] && idx < otherSpan[1]);
function getRegexp(tagName) {
return new RegExp(`<!--[^]*?-->|<${tagName}([^]*?)>([^]*?)<\/${tagName}>`, 'g');
function hasSnippedContent(text) {
return text.includes(snippedTagContentAttribute);
function unsnipContent(text) {
const regex = /(<\w+.*?)\s*✂prettier:content✂="(.*?)">.*?(?=<\/)/gi;
return text.replace(regex, (_, start, encodedContent) => {
const content = Buffer.from(encodedContent, 'base64').toString('utf8');
return `${start}>${content}`;
function getText(node, options, unsnip = false) {
const leadingComments = node.leadingComments;
const text = options.originalText.slice(options.locStart(
// if there are comments before the node they are not included
// in the `start` of the node itself
(leadingComments && leadingComments[0]) || node), options.locEnd(node));
if (!unsnip || !hasSnippedContent(text)) {
return text;
return unsnipContent(text);
function makeChoice(choice) {
return { value: choice, description: choice };
const options = {
svelteSortOrder: {
since: '0.6.0',
category: 'Svelte',
type: 'choice',
default: 'options-scripts-markup-styles',
description: 'Sort order for scripts, markup, and styles',
choices: [
// Deprecated, keep in 2.x for backwards-compatibility. svelte:options will be moved to the top
svelteStrictMode: {
since: '0.7.0',
category: 'Svelte',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
description: 'More strict HTML syntax: self-closed tags, quotes in attributes',
svelteBracketNewLine: {
since: '0.6.0',
category: 'Svelte',
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Put the `>` of a multiline element on a new line',
deprecated: '2.5.0',
svelteAllowShorthand: {
since: '1.0.0',
category: 'Svelte',
type: 'boolean',
default: true,
description: 'Option to enable/disable component attribute shorthand if attribute name and expressions are same',
svelteIndentScriptAndStyle: {
since: '1.2.0',
category: 'Svelte',
type: 'boolean',
default: true,
description: 'Whether or not to indent the code inside <script> and <style> tags in Svelte files',
const sortOrderSeparator = '-';
function parseSortOrder(sortOrder) {
if (sortOrder === 'none') {
return [];
const order = sortOrder.split(sortOrderSeparator);
// For backwards compatibility: Add options to beginning if not present
if (!order.includes('options')) {
console.warn('svelteSortOrder is missing option `options`. This will be an error in prettier-plugin-svelte version 3.');
return order;
function isBracketSameLine(options) {
return options.svelteBracketNewLine != null
? !options.svelteBracketNewLine
: options.bracketSameLine != null
? options.bracketSameLine
: false;
* Determines whether or not given node
* is the root of the Svelte AST.
function isASTNode(n) {
return n && n.__isRoot;
function isPreTagContent(path) {
const stack = path.stack;
return stack.some((node) => (node.type === 'Element' && === 'pre') ||
(node.type === 'Attribute' && !formattableAttributes.includes(;
function flatten(arrays) {
return [].concat.apply([], arrays);
function findLastIndex(isMatch, items) {
for (let i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (isMatch(items[i], i)) {
return i;
return -1;
function replaceEndOfLineWith(text, replacement) {
const parts = [];
for (const part of text.split('\n')) {
if (parts.length > 0) {
if (part.endsWith('\r')) {
parts.push(part.slice(0, -1));
else {
return parts;
function groupConcat(contents) {
const { concat, group } =;
return group(concat(contents));
function getAttributeLine(node, options) {
const { hardline, line } =;
const hasThisBinding = (node.type === 'InlineComponent' && !!node.expression) ||
(node.type === 'Element' && !!node.tag);
const attributes = node.attributes.filter((attribute) => !== snippedTagContentAttribute);
return options.singleAttributePerLine &&
(attributes.length > 1 || (attributes.length && hasThisBinding))
? hardline
: line;
function printWithPrependedAttributeLine(node, options, print) {
return (path) => path.getNode().name !== snippedTagContentAttribute
?[getAttributeLine(node, options),])
: '';
* Check if doc is a hardline.
* We can't just rely on a simple equality check because the doc could be created with another
* runtime version of prettier than what we import, making a reference check fail.
function isHardline(docToCheck) {
return docToCheck === || deepEqual(docToCheck,;
* Simple deep equal function which suits our needs. Only works properly on POJOs without cyclic deps.
function deepEqual(x, y) {
if (x === y) {
return true;
else if (typeof x == 'object' && x != null && typeof y == 'object' && y != null) {
if (Object.keys(x).length != Object.keys(y).length)
return false;
for (var prop in x) {
if (y.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
if (!deepEqual(x[prop], y[prop]))
return false;
else {
return false;
return true;
else {
return false;
function isDocCommand(doc) {
return typeof doc === 'object' && doc !== null;
function isLine(docToCheck) {
return (isHardline(docToCheck) ||
(isDocCommand(docToCheck) && docToCheck.type === 'line') ||
(isDocCommand(docToCheck) &&
docToCheck.type === 'concat' && ||
// Since Prettier 2.3.0, concats are represented as flat arrays
(Array.isArray(docToCheck) && docToCheck.every(isLine)));
* Check if the doc is empty, i.e. consists of nothing more than empty strings (possibly nested).
function isEmptyDoc(doc) {
if (typeof doc === 'string') {
return doc.length === 0;
if (isDocCommand(doc) && doc.type === 'line') {
return !doc.keepIfLonely;
// Since Prettier 2.3.0, concats are represented as flat arrays
if (Array.isArray(doc)) {
return doc.length === 0;
const { contents } = doc;
if (contents) {
return isEmptyDoc(contents);
const { parts } = doc;
if (parts) {
return isEmptyGroup(parts);
return false;
function isEmptyGroup(group) {
return !group.find((doc) => !isEmptyDoc(doc));
* Trims both leading and trailing nodes matching `isWhitespace` independent of nesting level
* (though all trimmed adjacent nodes need to be a the same level). Modifies the `docs` array.
function trim(docs, isWhitespace) {
trimLeft(docs, isWhitespace);
trimRight(docs, isWhitespace);
return docs;
* Trims the leading nodes matching `isWhitespace` independent of nesting level (though all nodes need to be a the same level).
* If there are empty docs before the first whitespace, they are removed, too.
function trimLeft(group, isWhitespace) {
let firstNonWhitespace = group.findIndex((doc) => !isEmptyDoc(doc) && !isWhitespace(doc));
if (firstNonWhitespace < 0 && group.length) {
firstNonWhitespace = group.length;
if (firstNonWhitespace > 0) {
const removed = group.splice(0, firstNonWhitespace);
if (removed.every(isEmptyDoc)) {
return trimLeft(group, isWhitespace);
else {
const parts = getParts(group[0]);
if (parts) {
return trimLeft(parts, isWhitespace);
* Trims the trailing nodes matching `isWhitespace` independent of nesting level (though all nodes need to be a the same level).
* If there are empty docs after the last whitespace, they are removed, too.
function trimRight(group, isWhitespace) {
let lastNonWhitespace = group.length
? findLastIndex((doc) => !isEmptyDoc(doc) && !isWhitespace(doc), group)
: 0;
if (lastNonWhitespace < group.length - 1) {
const removed = group.splice(lastNonWhitespace + 1);
if (removed.every(isEmptyDoc)) {
return trimRight(group, isWhitespace);
else {
const parts = getParts(group[group.length - 1]);
if (parts) {
return trimRight(parts, isWhitespace);
function getParts(doc) {
if (typeof doc === 'object') {
// Since Prettier 2.3.0, concats are represented as flat arrays
if (Array.isArray(doc)) {
return doc;
if (doc.type === 'fill' || doc.type === 'concat') {
if (doc.type === 'group') {
return getParts(doc.contents);
* `(foo = bar)` => `foo = bar`
function removeParentheses(doc) {
return trim([doc], (_doc) => _doc === '(' || _doc === ')')[0];
const unsupportedLanguages = ['coffee', 'coffeescript', 'styl', 'stylus', 'sass'];
function isInlineElement(path, options, node) {
return (node && node.type === 'Element' && !isBlockElement(node, options) && !isPreTagContent(path));
function isBlockElement(node, options) {
return (node &&
node.type === 'Element' &&
options.htmlWhitespaceSensitivity !== 'strict' &&
(options.htmlWhitespaceSensitivity === 'ignore' ||
function isSvelteBlock(node) {
return [
function isNodeWithChildren(node) {
return node.children;
function getChildren(node) {
return isNodeWithChildren(node) ? node.children : [];
* Returns siblings, that is, the children of the parent.
function getSiblings(path) {
let parent = path.getParentNode();
if (isASTNode(parent)) {
parent = parent.html;
return getChildren(parent);
* Returns the next sibling node.
function getNextNode(path, node = path.getNode()) {
return getSiblings(path).find((child) => child.start === node.end);
* Returns the comment that is above the current node.
function getLeadingComment(path) {
const siblings = getSiblings(path);
let node = path.getNode();
let prev = siblings.find((child) => child.end === node.start);
while (prev) {
if (prev.type === 'Comment' &&
!isIgnoreStartDirective(prev) &&
!isIgnoreEndDirective(prev)) {
return prev;
else if (isEmptyTextNode(prev)) {
node = prev;
prev = siblings.find((child) => child.end === node.start);
else {
return undefined;
* Did there use to be any embedded object (that has been snipped out of the AST to be moved)
* at the specified position?
function doesEmbedStartAfterNode(node, path, siblings = getSiblings(path)) {
// If node is not at the top level of html, an embed cannot start after it,
// because embeds are only at the top level
if (!isNodeTopLevelHTML(node, path)) {
return false;
const position = node.end;
const root = path.stack[0];
const embeds = [root.css, root.html, root.instance, root.js, root.module];
const nextNode = siblings[siblings.indexOf(node) + 1];
return embeds.find((n) => n && n.start >= position && (!nextNode || n.end <= nextNode.start));
function isNodeTopLevelHTML(node, path) {
const root = path.stack[0];
return !!root.html && !!root.html.children && root.html.children.includes(node);
function isEmptyTextNode(node) {
return !!node && node.type === 'Text' && getUnencodedText(node).trim() === '';
function isIgnoreDirective(node) {
return !!node && node.type === 'Comment' && === 'prettier-ignore';
function isIgnoreStartDirective(node) {
return !!node && node.type === 'Comment' && === 'prettier-ignore-start';
function isIgnoreEndDirective(node) {
return !!node && node.type === 'Comment' && === 'prettier-ignore-end';
function printRaw(node, originalText, stripLeadingAndTrailingNewline = false) {
if (node.children.length === 0) {
return '';
const firstChild = node.children[0];
const lastChild = node.children[node.children.length - 1];
let raw = originalText.substring(firstChild.start, lastChild.end);
if (!stripLeadingAndTrailingNewline) {
return raw;
if (startsWithLinebreak(raw)) {
raw = raw.substring(raw.indexOf('\n') + 1);
if (endsWithLinebreak(raw)) {
raw = raw.substring(0, raw.lastIndexOf('\n'));
if (raw.charAt(raw.length - 1) === '\r') {
raw = raw.substring(0, raw.length - 1);
return raw;
function isTextNode(node) {
return node.type === 'Text';
function getAttributeValue(attributeName, node) {
const attributes = node['attributes'];
const langAttribute = attributes.find((attribute) => === attributeName);
return langAttribute && langAttribute.value;
function getAttributeTextValue(attributeName, node) {
const value = getAttributeValue(attributeName, node);
if (value != null && typeof value === 'object') {
const textValue = value.find(isTextNode);
if (textValue) {
return null;
function getLangAttribute(node) {
const value = getAttributeTextValue('lang', node) || getAttributeTextValue('type', node);
if (value != null) {
return value.replace(/^text\//, '');
else {
return null;
* Checks whether the node contains a `lang` or `type` attribute with a value corresponding to
* a language we cannot format. This might for example be `<template lang="pug">`.
* If the node does not contain a `lang` attribute, the result is true.
function isNodeSupportedLanguage(node) {
const lang = getLangAttribute(node);
return !(lang && unsupportedLanguages.includes(lang));
* Checks whether the node contains a `lang` or `type` attribute which indicates that
* the script contents are written in TypeScript. Note that the absence of the tag
* does not mean it's not TypeScript, because the user could have set the default
* to TypeScript in his settings.
function isTypeScript(node) {
const lang = getLangAttribute(node) || '';
return ['typescript', 'ts'].includes(lang);
function isPugTemplate(node) {
return node.type === 'Element' && === 'template' && getLangAttribute(node) === 'pug';
function isLoneMustacheTag(node) {
return node !== true && node.length === 1 && node[0].type === 'MustacheTag';
function isAttributeShorthand(node) {
return node !== true && node.length === 1 && node[0].type === 'AttributeShorthand';
* True if node is of type `{a}` or `a={a}`
function isOrCanBeConvertedToShorthand(node) {
if (isAttributeShorthand(node.value)) {
return true;
if (isLoneMustacheTag(node.value)) {
const expression = node.value[0].expression;
return expression.type === 'Identifier' && ===;
return false;
function getUnencodedText(node) {
// `raw` will contain HTML entities in unencoded form
return node.raw ||;
function isTextNodeStartingWithLinebreak(node, nrLines = 1) {
return node.type === 'Text' && startsWithLinebreak(getUnencodedText(node), nrLines);
function startsWithLinebreak(text, nrLines = 1) {
return new RegExp(`^([\\t\\f\\r ]*\\n){${nrLines}}`).test(text);
function isTextNodeEndingWithLinebreak(node, nrLines = 1) {
return node.type === 'Text' && endsWithLinebreak(getUnencodedText(node), nrLines);
function endsWithLinebreak(text, nrLines = 1) {
return new RegExp(`(\\n[\\t\\f\\r ]*){${nrLines}}$`).test(text);
function isTextNodeStartingWithWhitespace(node) {
return node.type === 'Text' && /^\s/.test(getUnencodedText(node));
function isTextNodeEndingWithWhitespace(node) {
return node.type === 'Text' && /\s$/.test(getUnencodedText(node));
function trimTextNodeRight(node) {
node.raw = node.raw && node.raw.trimRight(); = &&;
function trimTextNodeLeft(node) {
node.raw = node.raw && node.raw.trimLeft(); = &&;
* Remove all leading whitespace up until the first non-empty text node,
* and all trailing whitespace from the last non-empty text node onwards.
function trimChildren(children, path) {
let firstNonEmptyNode = children.findIndex((n) => !isEmptyTextNode(n) && !doesEmbedStartAfterNode(n, path));
firstNonEmptyNode = firstNonEmptyNode === -1 ? children.length - 1 : firstNonEmptyNode;
let lastNonEmptyNode = findLastIndex((n, idx) => {
// Last node is ok to end at the start of an embedded region,
// if it's not a comment (which should stick to the region)
return (!isEmptyTextNode(n) &&
((idx === children.length - 1 && n.type !== 'Comment') ||
!doesEmbedStartAfterNode(n, path)));
}, children);
lastNonEmptyNode = lastNonEmptyNode === -1 ? 0 : lastNonEmptyNode;
for (let i = 0; i <= firstNonEmptyNode; i++) {
const n = children[i];
if (n.type === 'Text') {
for (let i = children.length - 1; i >= lastNonEmptyNode; i--) {
const n = children[i];
if (n.type === 'Text') {
* Check if given node's start tag should hug its first child. This is the case for inline elements when there's
* no whitespace between the `>` and the first child.
function shouldHugStart(node, isSupportedLanguage, options) {
if (!isSupportedLanguage) {
return true;
if (isBlockElement(node, options)) {
return false;
if (!isNodeWithChildren(node)) {
return false;
const children = node.children;
if (children.length === 0) {
return true;
if (options.htmlWhitespaceSensitivity === 'ignore') {
return false;
const firstChild = children[0];
return !isTextNodeStartingWithWhitespace(firstChild);
* Check if given node's end tag should hug its last child. This is the case for inline elements when there's
* no whitespace between the last child and the `</`.
function shouldHugEnd(node, isSupportedLanguage, options) {
if (!isSupportedLanguage) {
return true;
if (isBlockElement(node, options)) {
return false;
if (!isNodeWithChildren(node)) {
return false;
const children = node.children;
if (children.length === 0) {
return true;
if (options.htmlWhitespaceSensitivity === 'ignore') {
return false;
const lastChild = children[children.length - 1];
return !isTextNodeEndingWithWhitespace(lastChild);
* Check for a svelte block if there's whitespace at the start and if it's a space or a line.
function checkWhitespaceAtStartOfSvelteBlock(node, options) {
if (!isSvelteBlock(node) || !isNodeWithChildren(node)) {
return 'none';
const children = node.children;
if (children.length === 0) {
return 'none';
const firstChild = children[0];
if (isTextNodeStartingWithLinebreak(firstChild)) {
return 'line';
else if (isTextNodeStartingWithWhitespace(firstChild)) {
return 'space';
// This extra check is necessary because the Svelte AST might swallow whitespace between
// the block's starting end and its first child.
const parentOpeningEnd = options.originalText.lastIndexOf('}', firstChild.start);
if (parentOpeningEnd > 0 && firstChild.start > parentOpeningEnd + 1) {
const textBetween = options.originalText.substring(parentOpeningEnd + 1, firstChild.start);
if (textBetween.trim() === '') {
return startsWithLinebreak(textBetween) ? 'line' : 'space';
return 'none';
* Check for a svelte block if there's whitespace at the end and if it's a space or a line.
function checkWhitespaceAtEndOfSvelteBlock(node, options) {
if (!isSvelteBlock(node) || !isNodeWithChildren(node)) {
return 'none';
const children = node.children;
if (children.length === 0) {
return 'none';
const lastChild = children[children.length - 1];
if (isTextNodeEndingWithLinebreak(lastChild)) {
return 'line';
else if (isTextNodeEndingWithWhitespace(lastChild)) {
return 'space';
// This extra check is necessary because the Svelte AST might swallow whitespace between
// the last child and the block's ending start.
const parentClosingStart = options.originalText.indexOf('{', lastChild.end);
if (parentClosingStart > 0 && lastChild.end < parentClosingStart) {
const textBetween = options.originalText.substring(lastChild.end, parentClosingStart);
if (textBetween.trim() === '') {
return endsWithLinebreak(textBetween) ? 'line' : 'space';
return 'none';
function isInsideQuotedAttribute(path, options) {
const stack = path.stack;
return stack.some((node) => node.type === 'Attribute' &&
(!isLoneMustacheTag(node.value) || options.svelteStrictMode));
* Returns true if the softline between `</tagName` and `>` can be omitted.
function canOmitSoftlineBeforeClosingTag(node, path, options) {
return (isBracketSameLine(options) &&
(!hugsStartOfNextNode(node, options) || isLastChildWithinParentBlockElement(path, options)));
* Return true if given node does not hug the next node, meaning there's whitespace
* or the end of the doc afterwards.
function hugsStartOfNextNode(node, options) {
if (node.end === options.originalText.length) {
// end of document
return false;
return !options.originalText.substring(node.end).match(/^\s/);
function isLastChildWithinParentBlockElement(path, options) {
const parent = path.getParentNode();
if (!parent || !isBlockElement(parent, options)) {
return false;
const children = getChildren(parent);
const lastChild = children[children.length - 1];
return lastChild === path.getNode();
const { concat, join, line, group, indent, dedent, softline, hardline, fill, breakParent, literalline, } =;
function hasPragma(text) {
return /^\s*<!--\s*@(format|prettier)\W/.test(text);
let ignoreNext = false;
let ignoreRange = false;
let svelteOptionsDoc;
function print(path, options, print) {
const bracketSameLine = isBracketSameLine(options);
const n = path.getValue();
if (!n) {
return '';
if (isASTNode(n)) {
return printTopLevelParts(n, options, path, print);
const [open, close] = options.svelteStrictMode ? ['"{', '}"'] : ['{', '}'];
const printJsExpression = () => [
printJS(path, print, options.svelteStrictMode, false, false, 'expression'),
const node = n;
if ((ignoreNext || (ignoreRange && !isIgnoreEndDirective(node))) &&
(node.type !== 'Text' || !isEmptyTextNode(node))) {
if (ignoreNext) {
ignoreNext = false;
return concat(flatten(options.originalText
.slice(options.locStart(node), options.locEnd(node))
.map((o, i) => (i == 0 ? [o] : [literalline, o]))));
switch (node.type) {
case 'Fragment':
const children = node.children;
if (children.length === 0 || children.every(isEmptyTextNode)) {
return '';
if (!isPreTagContent(path)) {
trimChildren(node.children, path);
const output = trim([printChildren(path, print, options)], (n) => isLine(n) ||
(typeof n === 'string' && n.trim() === '') ||
// Because printChildren may append this at the end and
// may hide other lines before it
n === breakParent);
if (output.every((doc) => isEmptyDoc(doc))) {
return '';
return groupConcat([...output, hardline]);
else {
return groupConcat(, 'children'));
case 'Text':
if (!isPreTagContent(path)) {
if (isEmptyTextNode(node)) {
const hasWhiteSpace = getUnencodedText(node).trim().length < getUnencodedText(node).length;
const hasOneOrMoreNewlines = /\n/.test(getUnencodedText(node));
const hasTwoOrMoreNewlines = /\n\r?\s*\n\r?/.test(getUnencodedText(node));
if (hasTwoOrMoreNewlines) {
return concat([hardline, hardline]);
if (hasOneOrMoreNewlines) {
return hardline;
if (hasWhiteSpace) {
return line;
return '';
* For non-empty text nodes each sequence of non-whitespace characters (effectively,
* each "word") is joined by a single `line`, which will be rendered as a single space
* until this node's current line is out of room, at which `fill` will break at the
* most convenient instance of `line`.
return fill(splitTextToDocs(node));
else {
let rawText = getUnencodedText(node);
const parent = path.getParentNode();
if (parent.type === 'Attribute') {
// Direct child of attribute value -> add literallines at end of lines
// so that other things don't break in unexpected places
if ( === 'class' && path.getParentNode(1).type === 'Element') {
// Special treatment for class attribute on html elements. Prettier
// will force everything into one line, we deviate from that and preserve lines.
rawText = rawText.replace(/([^ \t\n])(([ \t]+$)|([ \t]+(\r?\n))|[ \t]+)/g,
// Remove trailing whitespace in lines with non-whitespace characters
// except at the end of the string
(match, characterBeforeWhitespace, _, isEndOfString, isEndOfLine, endOfLine) => isEndOfString
? match
: characterBeforeWhitespace + (isEndOfLine ? endOfLine : ' '));
// Shrink trailing whitespace in case it's followed by a mustache tag
// and remove it completely if it's at the end of the string, but not
// if it's on its own line
rawText = rawText.replace(/([^ \t\n])[ \t]+$/, parent.value.indexOf(node) === parent.value.length - 1 ? '$1' : '$1 ');
return concat(replaceEndOfLineWith(rawText, literalline));
return rawText;
case 'Element':
case 'InlineComponent':
case 'Slot':
case 'SlotTemplate':
case 'Window':
case 'Head':
case 'Title': {
const isSupportedLanguage = !( === 'template' && !isNodeSupportedLanguage(node));
const isEmpty = node.children.every((child) => isEmptyTextNode(child));
const isDoctypeTag = === '!DOCTYPE';
const isSelfClosingTag = isEmpty &&
(!options.svelteStrictMode ||
node.type !== 'Element' ||
selfClosingTags.indexOf( !== -1 ||
// Order important: print attributes first
const attributes =, options, print), 'attributes');
const attributeLine = getAttributeLine(node, options);
const possibleThisBinding = node.type === 'InlineComponent' && node.expression
? concat([attributeLine, 'this=', ...printJsExpression()])
: node.type === 'Element' && node.tag
? concat([
...(typeof node.tag === 'string'
? [`"${node.tag}"`]
: [
printJS(path, print, options.svelteStrictMode, false, false, 'tag'),
: '';
if (isSelfClosingTag) {
return groupConcat([
bracketSameLine || isDoctypeTag ? '' : dedent(line),
...[bracketSameLine && !isDoctypeTag ? ' ' : '', `${isDoctypeTag ? '' : '/'}>`],
const children = node.children;
const firstChild = children[0];
const lastChild = children[children.length - 1];
// Is a function which is invoked later because printChildren will manipulate child nodes
// which would wrongfully change the other checks about hugging etc done beforehand
let body;
const hugStart = shouldHugStart(node, isSupportedLanguage, options);
const hugEnd = shouldHugEnd(node, isSupportedLanguage, options);
if (isEmpty) {
body =
isInlineElement(path, options, node) &&
node.children.length &&
isTextNodeStartingWithWhitespace(node.children[0]) &&
? () => line
: () => (bracketSameLine ? softline : '');
else if (isPreTagContent(path)) {
body = () => printPre(node, options.originalText, path, print);
else if (!isSupportedLanguage) {
body = () => printRaw(node, options.originalText, true);
else if (isInlineElement(path, options, node) && !isPreTagContent(path)) {
body = () => printChildren(path, print, options);
else {
body = () => printChildren(path, print, options);
const openingTag = [
? ''
: !bracketSameLine && !isPreTagContent(path)
? dedent(softline)
: '',
if (!isSupportedLanguage && !isEmpty) {
// Format template tags so that there's a hardline but no indention.
// That way the `lang="X"` and the closing `>` of the start tag stay in one line
// which is the 99% use case.
return groupConcat([
groupConcat([hardline, body(), hardline]),
if (hugStart && hugEnd) {
const huggedContent = concat([
groupConcat(['>', body(), `</${}`]),
const omitSoftlineBeforeClosingTag = (isEmpty && !bracketSameLine) ||
canOmitSoftlineBeforeClosingTag(node, path, options);
return groupConcat([
isEmpty ? group(huggedContent) : group(indent(huggedContent)),
omitSoftlineBeforeClosingTag ? '' : softline,
// No hugging of content means it's either a block element and/or there's whitespace at the start/end
let noHugSeparatorStart = softline;
let noHugSeparatorEnd = softline;
if (isPreTagContent(path)) {
noHugSeparatorStart = '';
noHugSeparatorEnd = '';
else {
let didSetEndSeparator = false;
if (!hugStart && firstChild && firstChild.type === 'Text') {
if (isTextNodeStartingWithLinebreak(firstChild) &&
firstChild !== lastChild &&
(!isInlineElement(path, options, node) ||
isTextNodeEndingWithWhitespace(lastChild))) {
noHugSeparatorStart = hardline;
noHugSeparatorEnd = hardline;
didSetEndSeparator = true;
else if (isInlineElement(path, options, node)) {
noHugSeparatorStart = line;
if (!hugEnd && lastChild && lastChild.type === 'Text') {
if (isInlineElement(path, options, node) && !didSetEndSeparator) {
noHugSeparatorEnd = line;
if (hugStart) {
return groupConcat([
indent(concat([softline, groupConcat(['>', body()])])),
if (hugEnd) {
return groupConcat([
indent(concat([noHugSeparatorStart, groupConcat([body(), `</${}`])])),
canOmitSoftlineBeforeClosingTag(node, path, options) ? '' : softline,
if (isEmpty) {
return groupConcat([...openingTag, '>', body(), `</${}>`]);
return groupConcat([
indent(concat([noHugSeparatorStart, body()])),
case 'Options':
if (options.svelteSortOrder !== 'none') {
throw new Error('Options tags should have been handled by prepareChildren');
// else fall through to Body
case 'Body':
return groupConcat([
indent(groupConcat([, options, print), 'attributes'),
bracketSameLine ? '' : dedent(line),
...[bracketSameLine ? ' ' : '', '/>'],
case 'Document':
return groupConcat([
indent(groupConcat([, options, print), 'attributes'),
bracketSameLine ? '' : dedent(line),
...[bracketSameLine ? ' ' : '', '/>'],
case 'Identifier':
case 'AttributeShorthand': {
case 'Attribute': {
if (isOrCanBeConvertedToShorthand(node)) {
if (options.svelteStrictMode) {
return concat([, '="{',, '}"']);
else if (options.svelteAllowShorthand) {
return concat(['{',, '}']);
else {
return concat([, '={',, '}']);
else {
if (node.value === true) {
return concat([]);
const quotes = !isLoneMustacheTag(node.value) || options.svelteStrictMode;
const attrNodeValue = printAttributeNodeValue(path, print, quotes, node);
if (quotes) {
return concat([, '=', '"', attrNodeValue, '"']);
else {
return concat([, '=', attrNodeValue]);
case 'MustacheTag':
return concat([
printJS(path, print, isInsideQuotedAttribute(path, options), false, false, 'expression'),
case 'IfBlock': {
const def = [
'{#if ',
printSvelteBlockJS(path, print, 'expression'),
printSvelteBlockChildren(path, print, options),
if (node.else) {
def.push(, 'else'));
return concat([groupConcat(def), breakParent]);
case 'ElseBlock': {
// Else if
const parent = path.getParentNode();
if (node.children.length === 1 &&
node.children[0].type === 'IfBlock' &&
parent.type !== 'EachBlock') {
const ifNode = node.children[0];
const def = [
'{:else if ', => printSvelteBlockJS(ifPath, print, 'expression'), 'children')[0],
'}', => printSvelteBlockChildren(ifPath, print, options), 'children')[0],
if (ifNode.else) {
def.push( =>, 'else'), 'children')[0]);
return concat(def);
return concat(['{:else}', printSvelteBlockChildren(path, print, options)]);
case 'EachBlock': {
const def = [
'{#each ',
printSvelteBlockJS(path, print, 'expression'),
' as',
if (node.index) {
def.push(', ', node.index);
if (node.key) {
def.push(' (', printSvelteBlockJS(path, print, 'key'), ')');
def.push('}', printSvelteBlockChildren(path, print, options));
if (node.else) {
def.push(, 'else'));
return concat([groupConcat(def), breakParent]);
case 'AwaitBlock': {
const hasPendingBlock = node.pending.children.some((n) => !isEmptyTextNode(n));
const hasThenBlock = node.then.children.some((n) => !isEmptyTextNode(n));
const hasCatchBlock = node.catch.children.some((n) => !isEmptyTextNode(n));
let block = [];
if (!hasPendingBlock && hasThenBlock) {
'{#await ',
printSvelteBlockJS(path, print, 'expression'),
' then',
]),, 'then'));
else if (!hasPendingBlock && hasCatchBlock) {
'{#await ',
printSvelteBlockJS(path, print, 'expression'),
' catch',
]),, 'catch'));
else {
block.push(groupConcat(['{#await ', printSvelteBlockJS(path, print, 'expression'), '}']));
if (hasPendingBlock) {
block.push(, 'pending'));
if (hasThenBlock) {
block.push(groupConcat(['{:then', expandNode(node.value), '}']),, 'then'));
if ((hasPendingBlock || hasThenBlock) && hasCatchBlock) {
block.push(groupConcat(['{:catch', expandNode(node.error), '}']),, 'catch'));
return groupConcat(block);
case 'KeyBlock': {
const def = [
'{#key ',
printSvelteBlockJS(path, print, 'expression'),
printSvelteBlockChildren(path, print, options),
return concat([groupConcat(def), breakParent]);
case 'ThenBlock':
case 'PendingBlock':
case 'CatchBlock':
return printSvelteBlockChildren(path, print, options);
case 'EventHandler':
return concat([
node.modifiers && node.modifiers.length
? concat(['|', join('|', node.modifiers)])
: '',
node.expression ? concat(['=', ...printJsExpression()]) : '',
case 'Binding':
return concat([
node.expression.type === 'Identifier' && === &&
options.svelteAllowShorthand &&
? ''
: concat(['=', ...printJsExpression()]),
case 'Class':
return concat([
node.expression.type === 'Identifier' && === &&
options.svelteAllowShorthand &&
? ''
: concat(['=', ...printJsExpression()]),
case 'StyleDirective':
const prefix = [
node.modifiers && node.modifiers.length
? concat(['|', join('|', node.modifiers)])
: '',
if (isOrCanBeConvertedToShorthand(node) || node.value === true) {
if (options.svelteStrictMode) {
return concat([...prefix, '="{',, '}"']);
else if (options.svelteAllowShorthand) {
return concat([...prefix]);
else {
return concat([...prefix, '={',, '}']);
else {
const quotes = !isLoneMustacheTag(node.value) || options.svelteStrictMode;
const attrNodeValue = printAttributeNodeValue(path, print, quotes, node);
if (quotes) {
return concat([...prefix, '=', '"', attrNodeValue, '"']);
else {
return concat([...prefix, '=', attrNodeValue]);
case 'Let':
return concat([
// shorthand let directives have `null` expressions
!node.expression ||
(node.expression.type === 'Identifier' && ===
? ''
: concat(['=', ...printJsExpression()]),
case 'DebugTag':
return concat([
node.identifiers.length > 0
? concat([' ', join(', ',, 'identifiers'))])
: '',
case 'Ref':
return concat(['ref:',]);
case 'Comment': {
const nodeAfterComment = getNextNode(path);
if (isIgnoreStartDirective(node) && isNodeTopLevelHTML(node, path)) {
ignoreRange = true;
else if (isIgnoreEndDirective(node) && isNodeTopLevelHTML(node, path)) {
ignoreRange = false;
else if (
// If there is no sibling node that starts right after us but the parent indicates
// that there used to be, that means that node was actually an embedded `<style>`
// or `<script>` node that was cut out.
// If so, the comment does not refer to the next line we will see.
// The `embed` function handles printing the comment in the right place.
doesEmbedStartAfterNode(node, path) ||
(isEmptyTextNode(nodeAfterComment) &&
doesEmbedStartAfterNode(nodeAfterComment, path))) {
return '';
else if (isIgnoreDirective(node)) {
ignoreNext = true;
return printComment(node);
case 'Transition':
const kind = node.intro && node.outro ? 'transition' : node.intro ? 'in' : 'out';
return concat([
node.modifiers && node.modifiers.length
? concat(['|', join('|', node.modifiers)])
: '',
node.expression ? concat(['=', ...printJsExpression()]) : '',
case 'Action':
return concat([
node.expression ? concat(['=', ...printJsExpression()]) : '',
case 'Animation':
return concat([
node.expression ? concat(['=', ...printJsExpression()]) : '',
case 'RawMustacheTag':
return concat([
'{@html ',
printJS(path, print, false, false, false, 'expression'),
case 'Spread':
return concat(['{...', printJS(path, print, false, false, false, 'expression'), '}']);
case 'ConstTag':
return concat([
'{@const ',
printJS(path, print, false, false, true, 'expression'),
console.error(JSON.stringify(node, null, 4));
throw new Error('unknown node type: ' + node.type);
function assignCommentsToNodes(ast) {
if (ast.module) {
ast.module.comments = removeAndGetLeadingComments(ast, ast.module);
if (ast.instance) {
ast.instance.comments = removeAndGetLeadingComments(ast, ast.instance);
if (ast.css) {
ast.css.comments = removeAndGetLeadingComments(ast, ast.css);
* Returns the comments that are above the current node and deletes them from the html ast.
function removeAndGetLeadingComments(ast, current) {
const siblings = getChildren(ast.html);
const comments = [];
const newlines = [];
if (!siblings.length) {
return [];
let node = current;
let prev = siblings.find((child) => child.end === node.start);
while (prev) {
if (prev.type === 'Comment' &&
!isIgnoreStartDirective(prev) &&
!isIgnoreEndDirective(prev)) {
if (comments.length !== newlines.length) {
newlines.push({ type: 'Text', data: '', raw: '', start: -1, end: -1 });
else if (isEmptyTextNode(prev)) {
else {
node = prev;
prev = siblings.find((child) => child.end === node.start);
newlines.length = comments.length; // could be one more if first comment is preceeded by empty text node
for (const comment of comments) {
siblings.splice(siblings.indexOf(comment), 1);
for (const text of newlines) {
siblings.splice(siblings.indexOf(text), 1);
return comments
.map((comment, i) => ({
emptyLineAfter: getUnencodedText(newlines[i]).split('\n').length > 2,
function printTopLevelParts(n, options, path, print) {
if (options.svelteSortOrder === 'none') {
const topLevelPartsByEnd = {};
if (n.module) {
n.module.type = 'Script';
n.module.attributes = extractAttributes(getText(n.module, options));
topLevelPartsByEnd[n.module.end] = n.module;
if (n.instance) {
n.instance.type = 'Script';
n.instance.attributes = extractAttributes(getText(n.instance, options));
topLevelPartsByEnd[n.instance.end] = n.instance;
if (n.css) {
n.css.type = 'Style';
n.css.content.type = 'StyleProgram';
topLevelPartsByEnd[n.css.end] = n.css;
const children = getChildren(n.html);
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
const node = children[i];
if (topLevelPartsByEnd[node.start]) {
children.splice(i, 0, topLevelPartsByEnd[node.start]);
delete topLevelPartsByEnd[node.start];
const result =, 'html');
if (options.insertPragma && !hasPragma(options.originalText)) {
return concat([`<!-- @format -->`, hardline, result]);
else {
return result;
const parts = {
options: [],
scripts: [],
markup: [],
styles: [],
// scripts
if (n.module) {
n.module.type = 'Script';
n.module.attributes = extractAttributes(getText(n.module, options));
parts.scripts.push(, 'module'));
if (n.instance) {
n.instance.type = 'Script';
n.instance.attributes = extractAttributes(getText(n.instance, options));
parts.scripts.push(, 'instance'));
// styles
if (n.css) {
n.css.type = 'Style';
n.css.content.type = 'StyleProgram';
parts.styles.push(, 'css'));
// markup
const htmlDoc =, 'html');
if (htmlDoc) {
if (svelteOptionsDoc) {
const docs = flatten(parseSortOrder(options.svelteSortOrder).map((p) => parts[p]));
// Need to reset these because they are global and could affect the next formatting run
ignoreNext = false;
ignoreRange = false;
svelteOptionsDoc = undefined;
// If this is invoked as an embed of markdown, remove the last hardline.
// The markdown parser tries this, too, but fails because it does not
// recurse into concats. Doing this will prevent an empty line
// at the end of the embedded code block.
if (options.parentParser === 'markdown') {
const lastDoc = docs[docs.length - 1];
trimRight([lastDoc], isLine);
if (options.insertPragma && !hasPragma(options.originalText)) {
return concat([`<!-- @format -->`, hardline, groupConcat(docs)]);
else {
return groupConcat([join(hardline, docs)]);
function printAttributeNodeValue(path, print, quotes, node) {
const valueDocs = =>, 'value');
if (!quotes || !formattableAttributes.includes( {
return concat(valueDocs);
else {
return indent(groupConcat(trim(valueDocs, isLine)));
function printSvelteBlockChildren(path, print, options) {
const node = path.getValue();
const children = node.children;
if (!children || children.length === 0) {
return '';
const whitespaceAtStartOfBlock = checkWhitespaceAtStartOfSvelteBlock(node, options);
const whitespaceAtEndOfBlock = checkWhitespaceAtEndOfSvelteBlock(node, options);
const startline = whitespaceAtStartOfBlock === 'none'
? ''
: whitespaceAtEndOfBlock === 'line' || whitespaceAtStartOfBlock === 'line'
? hardline
: line;
const endline = whitespaceAtEndOfBlock === 'none'
? ''
: whitespaceAtEndOfBlock === 'line' || whitespaceAtStartOfBlock === 'line'
? hardline
: line;
const firstChild = children[0];
const lastChild = children[children.length - 1];
if (isTextNodeStartingWithWhitespace(firstChild)) {
if (isTextNodeEndingWithWhitespace(lastChild)) {
return concat([
indent(concat([startline, group(printChildren(path, print, options))])),
function printPre(node, originalText, path, print) {
const result = [];
const length = node.children.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const child = node.children[i];
if (child.type === 'Text') {
const lines = originalText.substring(child.start, child.end).split(/\r?\n/);
lines.forEach((line, j) => {
if (j > 0)
else {
result.push(, 'children', i));
return concat(result);
function printChildren(path, print, options) {
if (isPreTagContent(path)) {
return concat(, 'children'));
const childNodes = prepareChildren(path.getValue().children, path, print, options);
// modify original array because it's accessed later through map(print, 'children', idx)
path.getValue().children = childNodes;
if (childNodes.length === 0) {
return '';
const childDocs = [];
let handleWhitespaceOfPrevTextNode = false;
for (let i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
const childNode = childNodes[i];
if (childNode.type === 'Text') {
handleTextChild(i, childNode);
else if (isBlockElement(childNode, options)) {
else if (isInlineElement(path, options, childNode)) {
else {
handleWhitespaceOfPrevTextNode = false;
// If there's at least one block element and more than one node, break content
const forceBreakContent = childNodes.length > 1 && childNodes.some((child) => isBlockElement(child, options));
if (forceBreakContent) {
return concat(childDocs);
function printChild(idx) {
return, 'children', idx);
* Print inline child. Hug whitespace of previous text child if there was one.
function handleInlineChild(idx) {
if (handleWhitespaceOfPrevTextNode) {
childDocs.push(groupConcat([line, printChild(idx)]));
else {
handleWhitespaceOfPrevTextNode = false;
* Print block element. Add softlines around it if needed
* so it breaks into a separate line if children are broken up.
* Don't add lines at the start/end if it's the first/last child because this
* kind of whitespace handling is done in the parent already.
function handleBlockChild(idx) {
const prevChild = childNodes[idx - 1];
if (prevChild &&
!isBlockElement(prevChild, options) &&
(prevChild.type !== 'Text' ||
handleWhitespaceOfPrevTextNode ||
!isTextNodeEndingWithWhitespace(prevChild))) {
const nextChild = childNodes[idx + 1];
if (nextChild &&
(nextChild.type !== 'Text' ||
// Only handle text which starts with a whitespace and has text afterwards,
// or is empty but followed by an inline element. The latter is done
// so that if the children break, the inline element afterwards is in a separate line.
((!isEmptyTextNode(nextChild) ||
(childNodes[idx + 2] && isInlineElement(path, options, childNodes[idx + 2]))) &&
!isTextNodeStartingWithLinebreak(nextChild)))) {
handleWhitespaceOfPrevTextNode = false;
* Print text child. First/last child white space handling
* is done in parent already. By definition of the Svelte AST,
* a text node always is inbetween other tags. Add hardlines
* if the users wants to have them inbetween.
* If the text is trimmed right, toggle flag telling
* subsequent (inline)block element to alter its printing logic
* to check if they need to hug or print lines themselves.
function handleTextChild(idx, childNode) {
handleWhitespaceOfPrevTextNode = false;
if (idx === 0 || idx === childNodes.length - 1) {
const prevNode = childNodes[idx - 1];
const nextNode = childNodes[idx + 1];
if (isTextNodeStartingWithWhitespace(childNode) &&
// If node is empty, go straight through to checking the right end
!isEmptyTextNode(childNode)) {
if (isInlineElement(path, options, prevNode) &&
!isTextNodeStartingWithLinebreak(childNode)) {
const lastChildDoc = childDocs.pop();
childDocs.push(groupConcat([lastChildDoc, line]));
if (isBlockElement(prevNode, options) && !isTextNodeStartingWithLinebreak(childNode)) {
if (isTextNodeEndingWithWhitespace(childNode)) {
if (isInlineElement(path, options, nextNode) &&
!isTextNodeEndingWithLinebreak(childNode)) {
handleWhitespaceOfPrevTextNode = !prevNode || !isBlockElement(prevNode, options);
if (isBlockElement(nextNode, options) && !isTextNodeEndingWithLinebreak(childNode, 2)) {
handleWhitespaceOfPrevTextNode = !prevNode || !isBlockElement(prevNode, options);
* `svelte:options` is part of the html part but needs to be snipped out and handled
* separately to reorder it as configured. The comment above it should be moved with it.
* Do that here.
function prepareChildren(children, path, print, options) {
let svelteOptionsComment;
const childrenWithoutOptions = [];
const bracketSameLine = isBracketSameLine(options);
for (let idx = 0; idx < children.length; idx++) {
const currentChild = children[idx];
if (currentChild.type === 'Text' && getUnencodedText(currentChild) === '') {
if (isEmptyTextNode(currentChild) && doesEmbedStartAfterNode(currentChild, path)) {
if (options.svelteSortOrder !== 'none') {
if (isCommentFollowedByOptions(currentChild, idx)) {
svelteOptionsComment = printComment(currentChild);
const nextChild = children[idx + 1];
idx += nextChild && isEmptyTextNode(nextChild) ? 1 : 0;
if (currentChild.type === 'Options') {
printSvelteOptions(currentChild, idx, path, print);
const mergedChildrenWithoutOptions = [];
for (let idx = 0; idx < childrenWithoutOptions.length; idx++) {
const currentChild = childrenWithoutOptions[idx];
const nextChild = childrenWithoutOptions[idx + 1];
if (currentChild.type === 'Text' && nextChild && nextChild.type === 'Text') {
// A tag was snipped out (f.e. svelte:options). Join text
currentChild.raw += nextChild.raw; +=;
return mergedChildrenWithoutOptions;
function printSvelteOptions(node, idx, path, print) {
svelteOptionsDoc = groupConcat([
indent(groupConcat([, options, print), 'children', idx, 'attributes'),
bracketSameLine ? '' : dedent(line),
...[bracketSameLine ? ' ' : '', '/>'],
if (svelteOptionsComment) {
svelteOptionsDoc = groupConcat([svelteOptionsComment, hardline, svelteOptionsDoc]);
function isCommentFollowedByOptions(node, idx) {
if (node.type !== 'Comment' || isIgnoreEndDirective(node) || isIgnoreStartDirective(node)) {
return false;
const nextChild = children[idx + 1];
if (nextChild) {
if (isEmptyTextNode(nextChild)) {
const afterNext = children[idx + 2];
return afterNext && afterNext.type === 'Options';
return nextChild.type === 'Options';
return false;
* Split the text into words separated by whitespace. Replace the whitespaces by lines,
* collapsing multiple whitespaces into a single line.
* If the text starts or ends with multiple newlines, two of those should be kept.
function splitTextToDocs(node) {
const text = getUnencodedText(node);
let docs = text.split(/[\t\n\f\r ]+/);
docs = join(line, docs).parts.filter((s) => s !== '');
if (startsWithLinebreak(text)) {
docs[0] = hardline;
if (startsWithLinebreak(text, 2)) {
docs = [hardline,];
if (endsWithLinebreak(text)) {
docs[docs.length - 1] = hardline;
if (endsWithLinebreak(text, 2)) {
docs = [, hardline];
return docs;
function printSvelteBlockJS(path, print, name) {
return printJS(path, print, false, true, false, name);
function printJS(path, print, forceSingleQuote, forceSingleLine, removeParentheses, name) {
path.getValue()[name].isJS = true;
path.getValue()[name].forceSingleQuote = forceSingleQuote;
path.getValue()[name].forceSingleLine = forceSingleLine;
path.getValue()[name].removeParentheses = removeParentheses;
return, name);
function expandNode(node, parent) {
if (node === null) {
return '';
if (typeof node === 'string') {
// pre-v3.20 AST
return ' ' + node;
switch (node.type) {
case 'ArrayExpression':
case 'ArrayPattern':
return ' [' +',').slice(1) + ']';
case 'AssignmentPattern':
return expandNode(node.left) + ' =' + expandNode(node.right);
case 'Identifier':
return ' ' +;
case 'Literal':
return ' ' + node.raw;
case 'ObjectExpression':
return ' {' + => expandNode(p, node)).join(',') + ' }';
case 'ObjectPattern':
return ' {' +',') + ' }';
case 'Property':
if (node.value.type === 'ObjectPattern' || node.value.type === 'ArrayPattern') {
return ' ' + + ':' + expandNode(node.value);
else if ((node.value.type === 'Identifier' && !== ||
(parent && parent.type === 'ObjectExpression')) {
return expandNode(node.key) + ':' + expandNode(node.value);
else {
return expandNode(node.value);
case 'RestElement':
return ' ...' +;
console.error(JSON.stringify(node, null, 4));
throw new Error('unknown node type: ' + node.type);
function printComment(node) {
let text =;
if (hasSnippedContent(text)) {
text = unsnipContent(text);
return groupConcat(['<!--', text, '-->']);
const { builders: { concat: concat$1, hardline: hardline$1, softline: softline$1, indent: indent$1, dedent: dedent$1, literalline: literalline$1 }, utils: { removeLines }, } = prettier.doc;
function embed(path, print, textToDoc, options) {
const node = path.getNode();
if (node.isJS) {
try {
const embeddedOptions = {
parser: expressionParser,
if (node.forceSingleQuote) {
embeddedOptions.singleQuote = true;
let docs = textToDoc(forceIntoExpression(
// If we have snipped content, it was done wrongly and we need to unsnip it.
// This happens for example for {@html `<script>{foo}</script>`}
getText(node, options, true)), embeddedOptions);
if (node.forceSingleLine) {
docs = removeLines(docs);
if (node.removeParentheses) {
docs = removeParentheses(docs);
return docs;
catch (e) {
return getText(node, options, true);
const embedType = (tag, parser, isTopLevel) => embedTag(tag, options.originalText, path, (content) => formatBodyContent(content, parser, textToDoc, options), print, isTopLevel, options);
const embedScript = (isTopLevel) => embedType('script',
// Use babel-ts as fallback because the absence does not mean the content is not TS,
// the user could have set the default language. babel-ts will format things a little
// bit different though, especially preserving parentheses around dot notation which
// fixes
isTypeScript(node) ? 'typescript' : 'babel-ts', isTopLevel);
const embedStyle = (isTopLevel) => embedType('style', 'css', isTopLevel);
const embedPug = () => embedType('template', 'pug', false);
switch (node.type) {
case 'Script':
return embedScript(true);
case 'Style':
return embedStyle(true);
case 'Element': {
if ( === 'script') {
return embedScript(false);
else if ( === 'style') {
return embedStyle(false);
else if (isPugTemplate(node)) {
return embedPug();
return null;
function forceIntoExpression(statement) {
// note the trailing newline: if the statement ends in a // comment,
// we can't add the closing bracket right afterwards
return `(${statement}\n)`;
function expressionParser(text, parsers, options) {
const ast = parsers.babel(text, parsers, options);
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, ast), { program: ast.program.body[0].expression });
function preformattedBody(str) {
const firstNewline = /^[\t\f\r ]*\n/;
const lastNewline = /\n[\t\f\r ]*$/;
// If we do not start with a new line prettier might try to break the opening tag
// to keep it together with the string. Use a literal line to skip indentation.
return concat$1([literalline$1, str.replace(firstNewline, '').replace(lastNewline, ''), hardline$1]);
function getSnippedContent(node) {
const encodedContent = getAttributeTextValue(snippedTagContentAttribute, node);
if (encodedContent) {
return Buffer.from(encodedContent, 'base64').toString('utf-8');
else {
return '';
function formatBodyContent(content, parser, textToDoc, options) {
try {
const body = textToDoc(content, { parser });
if (parser === 'pug' && typeof body === 'string') {
// Pug returns no docs but a final string.
// Therefore prepend the line offsets
const whitespace = options.useTabs
? '\t'
: ' '.repeat(options.pugTabWidth && options.pugTabWidth > 0
? options.pugTabWidth
: options.tabWidth);
const pugBody = body
.map((line) => (line ? whitespace + line : line))
return concat$1([hardline$1, pugBody]);
const indentIfDesired = (doc) => options.svelteIndentScriptAndStyle ? indent$1(doc) : doc;
trimRight([body], isLine);
return concat$1([indentIfDesired(concat$1([hardline$1, body])), hardline$1]);
catch (error) {
if (process.env.PRETTIER_DEBUG) {
throw error;
// We will wind up here if there is a syntax error in the embedded code. If we throw an error,
// prettier will try to print the node with the printer. That will fail with a hard-to-interpret
// error message (e.g. "Unsupported node type", referring to `<script>`).
// Therefore, fall back on just returning the unformatted text.
return preformattedBody(content);
function embedTag(tag, text, path, formatBodyContent, print, isTopLevel, options) {
var _a;
const node = path.getNode();
const content = tag === 'template' ? printRaw(node, text) : getSnippedContent(node);
const previousComments = node.type === 'Script' || node.type === 'Style'
? node.comments
: [getLeadingComment(path)]
.map((comment) => ({ comment: comment, emptyLineAfter: false }));
const canFormat = isNodeSupportedLanguage(node) &&
!isIgnoreDirective((_a = previousComments[previousComments.length - 1]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.comment) &&
(tag !== 'template' ||
options.plugins.some((plugin) => typeof plugin !== 'string' && plugin.parsers && plugin.parsers.pug));
const body = canFormat
? content.trim() !== ''
? formatBodyContent(content)
: content === ''
? ''
: hardline$1
: preformattedBody(content);
const openingTag = groupConcat([
indent$1(groupConcat([, options, print), 'attributes'),
isBracketSameLine(options) ? '' : dedent$1(softline$1),
let result = groupConcat([openingTag, body, '</', tag, '>']);
const comments = [];
for (const comment of previousComments) {
comments.push('<!--',, '-->');
if (comment.emptyLineAfter) {
if (isTopLevel && options.svelteSortOrder !== 'none') {
// top level embedded nodes have been moved from their normal position in the
// node tree. if there is a comment referring to it, it must be recreated at
// the new position.
return concat$1([...comments, result, hardline$1]);
else {
return comments.length ? concat$1([...comments, result]) : result;
function locStart(node) {
return node.start;
function locEnd(node) {
return node.end;
const languages = [
name: 'svelte',
parsers: ['svelte'],
extensions: ['.svelte'],
vscodeLanguageIds: ['svelte'],
const parsers = {
svelte: {
parse: (text) => {
try {
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, require(`svelte/compiler`).parse(text)), { __isRoot: true });
catch (err) {
if (err.start != null && err.end != null) {
// Prettier expects error objects to have loc.start and loc.end fields.
// Svelte uses start and end directly on the error.
err.loc = {
start: err.start,
end: err.end,
throw err;
preprocess: (text, options) => {
text = snipScriptAndStyleTagContent(text);
text = text.trim();
// Prettier sets the preprocessed text as the originalText in case
// the Svelte formatter is called directly. In case it's called
// as an embedded parser (for example when there's a Svelte code block
// inside markdown), the originalText is not updated after preprocessing.
// Therefore we do it ourselves here.
options.originalText = text;
return text;
astFormat: 'svelte-ast',
const printers = {
'svelte-ast': {
exports.languages = languages;
exports.options = options;
exports.parsers = parsers;
exports.printers = printers;