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# Introduction
`eslint-plugin-svelte` is the official [ESLint] plugin for [Svelte].
It provides many unique check rules by using the template AST.
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## :name_badge: What is this plugin?
[ESLint] plugin for [Svelte].
It provides many unique check rules using the AST generated by [svelte-eslint-parser].
### ❗ Attention
The [svelte-eslint-parser] and the `eslint-plugin-svelte` can not be used with the [eslint-plugin-svelte3].
## Migration Guide
To migrate from `eslint-plugin-svelte` v1, or [`@ota-meshi/eslint-plugin-svelte`](, please refer to the [migration guide](
## :book: Documentation
See [documents](
## :cd: Installation
npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-plugin-svelte svelte
> **Requirements**
> - ESLint v7.0.0 and above
> - Node.js v14.17.x, v16.x and above
## :book: Usage
### Configuration
Use `.eslintrc.*` file to configure rules. See also: <>.
Example **.eslintrc.js**:
module.exports = {
extends: [
// add more generic rule sets here, such as:
// 'eslint:recommended',
rules: {
// override/add rules settings here, such as:
// 'svelte/rule-name': 'error'
This plugin provides configs:
- `plugin:svelte/base` ... Configuration to enable correct Svelte parsing.
- `plugin:svelte/recommended` ... Above, plus rules to prevent errors or unintended behavior.
- `plugin:svelte/prettier` ... Turns off rules that may conflict with [Prettier]( (You still need to configure prettier to work with svelte yourself, for example by using [prettier-plugin-svelte](
- `plugin:svelte/all` ... All rules. This configuration is not recommended for production use because it changes with every minor and major version of `eslint-plugin-svelte`. Use it at your own risk.
See [the rule list]( to get the `rules` that this plugin provides.
::: warning ❗ Attention
The `eslint-plugin-svelte` can not be used with the [eslint-plugin-svelte3].
If you are using [eslint-plugin-svelte3] you need to remove it.
"plugins": [
- "svelte3"
#### Parser Configuration
If you have specified a parser, you need to configure a parser for `.svelte`.
For example, if you are using the `"@babel/eslint-parser"`, configure it as follows:
module.exports = {
// ...
extends: ['plugin:svelte/recommended'],
// ...
parser: '@babel/eslint-parser',
// Add an `overrides` section to add a parser configuration for svelte.
overrides: [
files: ['*.svelte'],
parser: 'svelte-eslint-parser'
// ...
// ...
For example, if you are using the `"@typescript-eslint/parser"`, and if you want to use TypeScript in `<script>` of `.svelte`, you need to add more `parserOptions` configuration.
module.exports = {
// ...
extends: ['plugin:svelte/recommended'],
// ...
parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
parserOptions: {
// ...
project: 'path/to/your/tsconfig.json',
extraFileExtensions: ['.svelte'] // This is a required setting in `@typescript-eslint/parser` v4.24.0.
overrides: [
files: ['*.svelte'],
parser: 'svelte-eslint-parser',
// Parse the `<script>` in `.svelte` as TypeScript by adding the following configuration.
parserOptions: {
parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser'
// ...
// ...
If you have a mix of TypeScript and JavaScript in your project, use a multiple parser configuration.
module.exports = {
// ...
overrides: [
files: ['*.svelte'],
parser: 'svelte-eslint-parser',
parserOptions: {
parser: {
// Specify a parser for each lang.
ts: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
js: 'espree',
typescript: '@typescript-eslint/parser'
// ...
// ...
See also <>.
::: warning ❗ Attention
The TypeScript parser uses a singleton internally and it will only use the
options given to it when it was first initialized. If trying to change the
options for a different file or override, the parser will simply ignore the new
options (which may result in an error). See
for some context.
#### settings.svelte
You can change the behavior of this plugin with some settings.
module.exports = {
// ...
settings: {
svelte: {
ignoreWarnings: [
compileOptions: {
postcss: {
configFilePath: './path/to/my/postcss.config.js'
kit: {
files: {
routes: 'src/routes'
// ...
#### settings.svelte.ignoreWarnings
Specifies an array of rules that ignore reports in the template.
For example, set rules on the template that cannot avoid false positives.
#### settings.svelte.compileOptions
Specifies options for Svelte compile. Effects rules that use Svelte compile. The target rules are [svelte/valid-compile]( and [svelte/no-unused-svelte-ignore]( **Note that it has no effect on ESLint's custom parser**.
- `postcss` ... Specifies options related to PostCSS. You can disable the PostCSS process by specifying `false`.
- `configFilePath` ... Specifies the path of the directory containing the PostCSS configuration.
#### settings.svelte.kit
If you use SvelteKit with not default configuration, you need to set below configurations.
The schema is subset of SvelteKit's configuration.
Therefore please check [SvelteKit docs]( for more details.
module.exports = {
// ...
settings: {
svelte: {
kit: {
files: {
routes: 'src/routes'
// ...
### Running ESLint from the command line
If you want to run `eslint` from the command line, make sure you include the `.svelte` extension using [the `--ext` option]( or a glob pattern, because ESLint targets only `.js` files by default.
eslint --ext .js,.svelte src
eslint "src/**/*.{js,svelte}"
## :computer: Editor Integrations
### Visual Studio Code
Use the [dbaeumer.vscode-eslint]( extension that Microsoft provides officially.
You have to configure the `eslint.validate` option of the extension to check `.svelte` files, because the extension targets only `*.js` or `*.jsx` files by default.
Example **.vscode/settings.json**:
"eslint.validate": ["javascript", "javascriptreact", "svelte"]
## :white_check_mark: Rules
<!-- prettier-ignore-start -->
:wrench: Indicates that the rule is fixable, and using `--fix` option on the [command line]( can automatically fix some of the reported problems.
:bulb: Indicates that some problems reported by the rule are manually fixable by editor [suggestions](
:star: Indicates that the rule is included in the `plugin:svelte/recommended` config.
## Possible Errors
These rules relate to possible syntax or logic errors in Svelte code:
| Rule ID | Description | |
| [svelte/infinite-reactive-loop]( | Svelte runtime prevents calling the same reactive statement twice in a microtask. But between different microtask, it doesn't prevent. | |
| [svelte/no-dom-manipulating]( | disallow DOM manipulating | |
| [svelte/no-dupe-else-if-blocks]( | disallow duplicate conditions in `{#if}` / `{:else if}` chains | :star: |
| [svelte/no-dupe-on-directives]( | disallow duplicate `on:` directives | |
| [svelte/no-dupe-style-properties]( | disallow duplicate style properties | :star: |
| [svelte/no-dupe-use-directives]( | disallow duplicate `use:` directives | |
| [svelte/no-dynamic-slot-name]( | disallow dynamic slot name | :star::wrench: |
| [svelte/no-export-load-in-svelte-module-in-kit-pages]( | disallow exporting load functions in `*.svelte` module in SvelteKit page components. | |
| [svelte/no-not-function-handler]( | disallow use of not function in event handler | :star: |
| [svelte/no-object-in-text-mustaches]( | disallow objects in text mustache interpolation | :star: |
| [svelte/no-reactive-reassign]( | disallow reassigning reactive values | |
| [svelte/no-shorthand-style-property-overrides]( | disallow shorthand style properties that override related longhand properties | :star: |
| [svelte/no-store-async]( | disallow using async/await inside svelte stores because it causes issues with the auto-unsubscribing features | |
| [svelte/no-unknown-style-directive-property]( | disallow unknown `style:property` | :star: |
| [svelte/require-store-callbacks-use-set-param]( | store callbacks must use `set` param | |
| [svelte/require-store-reactive-access]( | disallow to use of the store itself as an operand. Need to use $ prefix or get function. | :wrench: |
| [svelte/valid-compile]( | disallow warnings when compiling. | :star: |
| [svelte/valid-prop-names-in-kit-pages]( | disallow props other than data or errors in SvelteKit page components. | |
## Security Vulnerability
These rules relate to security vulnerabilities in Svelte code:
| Rule ID | Description | |
| [svelte/no-at-html-tags]( | disallow use of `{@html}` to prevent XSS attack | :star: |
| [svelte/no-target-blank]( | disallow `target="_blank"` attribute without `rel="noopener noreferrer"` | |
## Best Practices
These rules relate to better ways of doing things to help you avoid problems:
| Rule ID | Description | |
| [svelte/block-lang]( | disallows the use of languages other than those specified in the configuration for the lang attribute of `<script>` and `<style>` blocks. | |
| [svelte/button-has-type]( | disallow usage of button without an explicit type attribute | |
| [svelte/no-at-debug-tags]( | disallow the use of `{@debug}` | :star: |
| [svelte/no-ignored-unsubscribe]( | disallow ignoring the unsubscribe method returned by the `subscribe()` on Svelte stores. | |
| [svelte/no-immutable-reactive-statements]( | disallow reactive statements that don't reference reactive values. | |
| [svelte/no-inline-styles]( | disallow attributes and directives that produce inline styles | |
| [svelte/no-reactive-functions]( | it's not necessary to define functions in reactive statements | :bulb: |
| [svelte/no-reactive-literals]( | don't assign literal values in reactive statements | :bulb: |
| [svelte/no-unused-class-name]( | disallow the use of a class in the template without a corresponding style | |
| [svelte/no-unused-svelte-ignore]( | disallow unused svelte-ignore comments | :star: |
| [svelte/no-useless-mustaches]( | disallow unnecessary mustache interpolations | :wrench: |
| [svelte/prefer-destructured-store-props]( | destructure values from object stores for better change tracking & fewer redraws | :bulb: |
| [svelte/require-each-key]( | require keyed `{#each}` block | |
| [svelte/require-event-dispatcher-types]( | require type parameters for `createEventDispatcher` | |
| [svelte/require-optimized-style-attribute]( | require style attributes that can be optimized | |
| [svelte/require-stores-init]( | require initial value in store | |
| [svelte/valid-each-key]( | enforce keys to use variables defined in the `{#each}` block | |
## Stylistic Issues
These rules relate to style guidelines, and are therefore quite subjective:
| Rule ID | Description | |
| [svelte/derived-has-same-inputs-outputs]( | derived store should use same variable names between values and callback | |
| [svelte/first-attribute-linebreak]( | enforce the location of first attribute | :wrench: |
| [svelte/html-closing-bracket-spacing]( | require or disallow a space before tag's closing brackets | :wrench: |
| [svelte/html-quotes]( | enforce quotes style of HTML attributes | :wrench: |
| [svelte/html-self-closing]( | enforce self-closing style | :wrench: |
| [svelte/indent]( | enforce consistent indentation | :wrench: |
| [svelte/max-attributes-per-line]( | enforce the maximum number of attributes per line | :wrench: |
| [svelte/mustache-spacing]( | enforce unified spacing in mustache | :wrench: |
| [svelte/no-extra-reactive-curlies]( | disallow wrapping single reactive statements in curly braces | :bulb: |
| [svelte/no-restricted-html-elements]( | disallow specific HTML elements | |
| [svelte/no-spaces-around-equal-signs-in-attribute]( | disallow spaces around equal signs in attribute | :wrench: |
| [svelte/prefer-class-directive]( | require class directives instead of ternary expressions | :wrench: |
| [svelte/prefer-style-directive]( | require style directives instead of style attribute | :wrench: |
| [svelte/shorthand-attribute]( | enforce use of shorthand syntax in attribute | :wrench: |
| [svelte/shorthand-directive]( | enforce use of shorthand syntax in directives | :wrench: |
| [svelte/sort-attributes]( | enforce order of attributes | :wrench: |
| [svelte/spaced-html-comment]( | enforce consistent spacing after the `<!--` and before the `-->` in a HTML comment | :wrench: |
## Extension Rules
These rules extend the rules provided by ESLint itself, or other plugins to work well in Svelte:
| Rule ID | Description | |
| [svelte/no-inner-declarations]( | disallow variable or `function` declarations in nested blocks | :star: |
| [svelte/no-trailing-spaces]( | disallow trailing whitespace at the end of lines | :wrench: |
## Experimental
:warning: These rules are considered experimental and may change or be removed in the future:
| Rule ID | Description | |
| [svelte/experimental-require-slot-types]( | require slot type declaration using the `$$Slots` interface | |
| [svelte/experimental-require-strict-events]( | require the strictEvents attribute on `<script>` tags | |
## System
These rules relate to this plugin works:
| Rule ID | Description | |
| [svelte/comment-directive]( | support comment-directives in HTML template | :star: |
| [svelte/system]( | system rule for working this plugin | :star: |
## Deprecated
- :warning: We're going to remove deprecated rules in the next major release. Please migrate to successor/new rules.
- :innocent: We don't fix bugs which are in deprecated rules since we don't have enough resources.
| Rule ID | Replaced by |
| [svelte/@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition]( | This rule is no longer needed when using svelte-eslint-parser>=v0.19.0. |
<!-- prettier-ignore-end -->
## :beers: Contributing
Welcome contributing!
Please use GitHub's Issues/PRs.
See also [](./
### Working With Rules
This plugin uses [svelte-eslint-parser]( for the parser. Check [here]( to find out about AST.
## :lock: License
See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for license rights and limitations (MIT).